英语人>网络例句>完整 相关的搜索结果


与 完整 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of OCM, segmentation based on curvature radium is presented in the paper, in which curvature radium is calculated using parametric-surface fitting, and detecting edge points is realized from orthogonal direction, which ensure the integrality of edge points. Since the data is organized by cross-line in OCM, a new arithmetic, Double-direction Angle Difference arithmetic, is brought forward, which can pick up edge points more quickly.


It should be set to an arithmetic expression that has an integer as a result.


Now all Geely needs to do is offer a 'Royalty' accessory package complete with manservant, golden crown and assassination plot, and the GE owner's life will be complete.


We put forward a kind of new form that has more outstanding network courseware demonstration in independence and asynchronism distance education based on WWW.


Lucy is the most complete australopithecine skeleton yet discovered, being about 40 percent intact.


We conclude that the urinary bladder ECM but not the small intestine- or lier-deried ECM contains a surface with composition and morphology consistent with that of an intact basement membrane complex, that the basement membrane complex can surie processing, and that the basement membrane structure can modulate in itro cell growth patterns.


Results Chronic nasopharyngitis is mainly showed as shallow infundibuliform recess change, localized or permeable incrassation of nasopharyngeal wall, nasopharynx shape weird with complication sinusitis.Parapharyngeal space compression to slight,general not to accompany otomastoiditis. Structure is integrity of basion, mucosal line is Integrity of mucous membrane of nasopharynx at enhancement scanning.

结果 慢性鼻咽炎主要表现为咽隐窝变浅、鼻咽壁局限性增厚、鼻咽壁弥漫性增厚、局部软组织肿块、鼻咽形态怪异、伴副鼻窦炎等,咽旁间隙受压较轻,一般不伴中耳乳突炎,颅底骨质结构完整,增强扫描鼻咽粘膜线完整

After graduation/liberation; all night long; at dinner; at first; at last; at night; at noon; at once; at present; at war; at work; from time to time; for sale; in life; in need; in need of; in time; in time of; on duty; on sale; on show; on strike; on time; on watch at hand; in bed; in camp; in public; in space; in town; on top of; at/in peace with; beyond reach of; out of reach; within reach; in colour; in character; in debt; in fact; in half/into halves; in honour of; in line; in order; in price; in rags; in operation; in return; in search of; in use; for example; out of breath; out of danger; out of order; out of sight; on guard; on fire; without pride; under construction/ repair,etc.

第八章 动词与动词短语一,动词的分类从其含义来分,动词可分为行为动词,连系动词,情态动词和助动词四类:类别行为动词及物动词特点有完整的意义,能独立作谓语,可以有宾语,可以有被动语态有完整的意义,能独立作谓语,不带宾语,没有被动语态表示相对静止的状态表示短暂动作不能持续,不能同表示一段时间的状语连用动作可以持续,可以同表示一段时间的状语连用表示具有某种性质,特征和出于某种状态表示动词的动作和过程所产生的结果或状态表示某种持续的状态表示说话人对所说行为的看法,必须与其他动词一起构成谓语。

Thermal hydraulics: feat systems, noesis agitate sending systems, anti-lock braking systems, cerebration gear, render shot systems, astir support systems, lubrication systems* Gas dynamics: pneumatics, propulsion, sterilization, expose and clean cycles, high-pressure gas, pedal transmission, adsorption, pedal form reactions, HVAC, ECS, multi-species aerosolized systems* Multiphase fluids: refrigeration, air-conditioning, status control, cryogenic piping networks, steam/water systems, or render systems with exotic, vaporific fluids.* Systems curb element and code assessment data acquisition distribution rates, anachronic communication, similarity and digital electronic filters, curb wrap enforcement rates, meshwork (CAN charabanc communication, etc.* Fuel cells: stationary or mobile.* Electrical systems: AC/DC machines, noesis electronics, batteries, etc. Flight dynamics, and curb systems of every kinds including digital filters

MSC Easy5的独到之处在于:其一,强大的控制系统仿真分析能力,可以建立各种复杂的控制系统模型,包含稳态分析、线性系统分析、频域响应、根轨迹分析等完整的控制系统分析类型;其二,多学科专业应用库,借助专业应用库中的预定义模型元件,向用户提供独一无二的建立系统级模型和研究多学科系统耦合问题的能力;其三,卓越的代码生成和求解器,可以由图形化系统模型自动生成相应的FORTRAN或C源代码,这些代码可以通过编译生成可执行程序,并可被用户调用;其四,高效的高级建模和二次开发功能,方便用户创建用户化模型元件,并可调用外部FORTRAN或C子程序;其五,与其它CAE软件良好的集成能力,可以将不同CAE软件所建立的模型集成到MSC Easy5中建立完整的虚拟样机,是真正的协同仿真平台。

This article is a complete character generator design and installation, a complete text of the code and vhdl diagram.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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