英语人>网络例句>完整 相关的搜索结果


与 完整 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main narrative of The American Failure in China also supports this view: as the territorial integrity and the sovereignty of China were offended again and again by Japan and suffered real damage, the USA did actually not fulfill their "moral" duties, they did not send a military force to ensure the integrity of China's territory and sovereignty, but the American experts of international strategies knew clearly that "China was in a position where it impossibly could protect herself, and an alliance with China would certainly not increase our power, it would on the contrary constitute an additional duty which we would have to fulfill" p.


There are some aerolites that keep original shape. I even found one round aerolite in earth in original place.


Using the Newton-Euler approach, the whole complex analytic dynamics equations considering the base link and two leg's 12 links are derived. Based on the complete dynamics model, the reactive force/moment by the ground could be computed in the simulation.


The person's skull, combine very fine and hard, physiologist and anatomist ran out the method of everything, it integrity cent come out, there is all no this kind of physical strength, afterwards someone invention a method, be some plant of seed's put be just want dissect of skull inside, make with the temperature and the degree of humidity to it it germination, a germination, these seed then with terrible of strength, can't separate the whole machine dint of skeleton, integrity separate.


INTEGRITY Mineral: Andesine Andesine holds the vibration of integrity in the language of light.

完整 矿石:中长石中长石持有光之语中完整的振动。

I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which

我比较喜欢用一个完整偏差的出现到下一个完整偏差出现的方式来计算,这已经是第六个版本的 Matrix。

We found 113 insect items in 34 digestive tract contents with eight pieces of intact body or tegmata, i.e., three intact Carabids, three pieces of head, one piece of thorax and one piece of abdomen.


objectiveto explore a newsimple and effective surgery technique of eyebow lackness.methodstake aitem ofintegrity scalp with hair from the rest head or the back of the auris.separate the hair trunk and bursa with special appliance.


Nested PCR analysis and southern hybridization analysis showed that no polymorphism between H.villosa, Pm97034 and susceptible parent Wan7 107 was detected with the clones from 6VS arm, whereas three clones from H.villosa genome DNA: RH42, RH55, and RH66 showed polymorphism. RGA6 cloned from H.villosa genome DNA was characterized identity to NBS, and show high homology to resistance genes as RPM1 and RPP13 in Arabiadopsis, LRR19 in wheat, and I2C-1 in tomato.cDNA library constructed from T.aestivum-H.villosa translocation line Pm97034 was screened by hybridization with RGA6. Four positive cDNA clones were obtained. R3-2-2 showing 60-90% identity with eukaryotic sulfite oxidases contained an open reading frame of 647bp encoding 140 amino acid, and contained a conserved Moco-dimer domain in the ORF. R6-2-2 showed an ORF containing an Euk-porin domain of 279aa with 20-40% identity to the eukaryotic voltage-dependent anion channel proteins. R8-1-1 showed a complete ORF of 1810bp encoding 493aa with 80-90% identity to plant catalases. R9-1-1 showed an ORF containing a BTB/POZ conserved domain of 204aa with 30-70% identity to pox virus and zinc finger proteins. R3-2-2 and R9-1-1 were the first cDNA clones containingconserved domain of SO and POZ respectively isolated from wheat. R8-1-1 contained a complete ORF with 81% identity to Cat-3. Aspects of the role of R8-1-1 may be same with Cat-3, and it would offer the opportunity for improvement of stress tolerance of wheat.

以RGA6为探针,筛选用抗白粉病小麦—簇毛麦易位系Pm97034构建的cDNA文库,得到了4个阳性克隆。R3-2-2与动植物的亚硫酸氧化酶(sulfite oxidase,SO)有60~90%的同源性,长度为647bp,编码140个氨基酸,具有开放阅读框并含有保守域Moco-dimer.R6-2-2与真核生物的VDAC(voltage-dependent anion chennel)蛋白有20~40%的同源性,长度为1047bp,编码279aa,是一个不完整的开放阅读框,预测结构具有Euk-porin结构域。R8-1-1与植物中已经克隆的过氧化氢酶有80~90%的同源性,长度为1810bp,编码493aa,具有完整的开放阅读框和过氧化氢氧化酶保守域。R9-1-1与动植物的POZ(pox virus and zinc finger protein)蛋白有30~70%的同源性,长度为1446bp,具有开放阅读框和BTB/POZ保守域。R3-2-2与R9-1-1是首次从小麦中克隆到的具有SO和POZ保守域的cDNA序列。R8-1-1具有完整的开放阅读框,与玉米Cat-3基因具有81%同源性,预测R8-1-1可能具有与Cat-3类似的功能,可为转基因小麦抗逆育种提供新的基因。

Then the waveband was divided into two parts to develop calibration model using partial least square method for soluble solids content to remove the effect of the skin and the results indicated that the measurement results was not be enhanced. However, the difference of calibration results in the wavelength of 650-950nm with the r of 0.949, the RMSEC of 0.292 for intact watermelon and with the r of 0.973 and the RMSEC of 0.214 for skin-peeled watermelon indicated that the influence of skin is not very serious and the intact watermelon spectra also can get satisfied calibration result. 5. Vis/NIR spectroscopy nondestructive detection needs high-energy light source, so differences of diffuse transmittance spectra with different light intensity (600W, 1000W) were detected and effects of light intensity on spectra and calibration results were compared.

针对西瓜果皮较厚的特点,对去皮西瓜与带皮西瓜进行对比试验研究,发现果皮对光谱的影响主要集中在可见光部分(650-750nm),对可溶性固形物含量采用偏最小二乘法进行分段建模并没有有效消除果皮的影响,对比研究去皮西瓜与完整西瓜光谱在650-950nm范围内的建模结果,完整西瓜二阶微分光谱校正模型相关系数r为0.949,RMSEC为0.292,去皮西瓜校正模型相关系数r为0.973,RMSEC为0.214,果皮对建模结果的影响并不严重,完整西瓜的建模结果可以满足检测要求; 5。

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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
