英语人>网络例句>完整 相关的搜索结果


与 完整 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Presents a new formulation of Lagrange s equations by using an augmented Lagrangian function with the first order non linear nonholonomic constraint equations, and offers a unified variational approach to both holonomic and nonholonomic constraints.


Firstly based on the theory of Semantic Element and the characteristics of phrases and sentences with prepositions,the Semantic Pattern Bases of English prepositions(special Semantic Element Representation Bases for prepositions) were presented.Then the translation process of prepositions was in two steps.One was getting English complete semantic pattern by semantic analysis based on Semantic Pattern Base,the other was deploying into Chinese complete semantic pattern and Chinese representation.


Methods We cut a piece of complete scalp from pulvinar or after the ear, and used a special apparatus separate the hair shaft and follicle, use the hair plantation needle plant the scalp on the place which have the eyelash coloboma.


MethodsWe cut a piece of complete scalp from pulvinar or after the ear, and used a special apparatus separate the hair shaft and follicle, use the hair plantation needle plant the scalp on the place which have the eyelash coloboma.


objectiveto find an effective and simple operation method to treat the eyelashes coloboma.methodswe cut a piece of complete scalp from pulvinar or after the ear, and used a special apparatus separate the hair shaft and follicle, use the hair plantation needle plant the scalp on the place which have the eyelash coloboma.


The whole peptidoglycan extracted by Sekine method and improved method have been done a comprehensive analysis of the structure and composition.Systemic structure and composition study of extracted whole peptidoglycan. We have determined that the bifidobacterium infantis whole peptidoglycan product contains 20.04 mg/g hexosamine, 500.01 mg/g total sugar, 36.84 mg/g total fatty acid, 339.6 mg/g protein, and 0.3 mg/g phosphate.

针对改良法和Sekine法所提取的完整肽聚糖做了全面的结构和成分分析,结果表明,采用改良法所提取的完整肽聚糖其超微结构完整,氨基己糖含量为20.04 mg/g;蛋白质含量为339.6 mg/g;中性糖含量为500.01 mg/g;总脂含量为36.84 mg/g;磷含量为0.3 mg/g。

It has the following characteristics: 2D drawings can be maintained with a high degree of consistency of 3D model; CAD /CAPP /CAM are integrated by the generation of comp lete manufacturing information and the integrated digital p roduction line of shell, outfitting and painting is imp lemented basically; the generation of comp lete manufacturing and management information of shell, outfitting and painting lays the foundation for the integration of design, manufacturing and management; the entity and parametrized technology is used to ensure the establishment of ship p roductmodelwith comp lete topology relations; and the data interfaces for the heterogeneous CAD data and information integration ensure the collaborative design for the factories and the institutes.


Results The Stemona sessilifolia cream had no acute toxicity,no cutaneous stimulation and no hypersensitive effects for the intact or damˉaged skin in rats,rabbits and guinnea pigs respectively.

结果 百部乳膏对大鼠完整皮肤及破损皮肤均无急性毒性反应,对白兔完整皮肤和破损皮肤无刺激性,对豚鼠完整皮肤无致敏作用。

Our results indicated that (1)SO_2 derivatives could dose-dependently relax the isolated aorta rings with or without endothelium precontracted by NE, no difference was found for the rings with and without endothelium;(2)Levels of cAMP and 6-Keto(PGI_2) in isolated aortic rings were increased by SO_2 derivatives in a dose-dependent way, which were independent of endothelium;(3)SO_2 derivatives decreased cGMP levels in the rings, but not significantly; The decrease of cGMP levels was also independent of endothelium;(4)No changes of TXB_2 in rings with or without endothelium were observed;(5)Whether presence or absence of endothelium, cAMP/cGMP and 6-Keto/TXB_2 ratios were increased significantly.


The whole architectural process is the dynamic integration of the five sub-process: decision-making, design, building, using and backout. This process has it inherent continuity and rules.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
