英语人>网络例句>完整 相关的搜索结果


与 完整 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 2001 "Marriage law" in the bill for amendment has explicitly stipulated the scope of the husband and wife's personal property, the content, way and potency of the husbands and wive's agree questions on property.


I do not feel, whole grand, name or agree data structure, function, variably readable code annotate is done not have namely originally necessary contrary, to CAPI part, documentation specification is very complete Yawl keeps the problem that is not you, allegedly Matz also admits very sodden: hear of for the first time, give a source Potian writes Yawl to keep the problem that is not you, allegedly Matz also admits very sodden: hear of for the first time, give a source there is this title on the slide that Matz had made a speech 2003, but rot with code seeming is two different matters, garbled. Http://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/mgp00003.htmlhttp://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/mgp00004.html this is all PPThttp://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/index.html Potian writes code annotate to be done not have namely originally necessary contrary, to CAPI part, documentation specification is very complete " code annotate does not have necessary " this kind of word is very arrogant still.

我不觉得,整个宏、数据结构、函数、变量的命名还是一致可读的代码注释本来就是没有必要的相反,对于CAPI部分,文档说明非常完整 yawl 写道不是你的问题,据说matz也承认很烂:)第一次听说,给个出处 potian 写道yawl 写道不是你的问题,据说matz也承认很烂:)第一次听说,给个出处2003 年 matz 做过一个讲演的幻灯片上有这个标题,但是跟代码烂好像是两回事,断章取义了。http://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/mgp00003.htmlhttp://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/mgp00004.html这是全部 PPThttp://www.rubyist.net/~matz/slides/rc2003/index.html potian 写道代码注释本来就是没有必要的相反,对于CAPI部分,文档说明非常完整"代码注释没有必要"这种话还是很牛的。

More information about their structure and function relationship will be meaningful in understanding the molecular mechanism of ion pump and conformation alteration during ion transport and sensory transduction. In this paper, we report screening strains from samples collected from Ebi lake and Altun moutain Aqik lake, Xinjiang Province, and got 60 clonies from them. We choose 8 of them for further investigation and confirmed that they all belong to the Halobacteriaceae genus and through comparasion of several minute diffrerence medium we had the optimal medium for their growth.. Through this procedure we had established a set of methods for screening clonies from wild environment.and isolation and purification of these archaerhodopsin. Furthermore we used PCR method to identify their DNA sequence.


Were not linked to University is not complete, then let the university I will not go full bar, Amitabha.


Wenxin capsule can promote endolethial cells releasing CO and synthesing 〓, enhance activity of HO, induce angiectasis through activating guanylic cyclase and adenglate cyclate of intracellar of vessel smooth muscle cell to enhance content of intracellar cGMP and AMP. 3. Wenxin capsule can inhibit releasing of platelet activiting factor 〓 which inhibit platelet aggregation and have antithrombosis function. 4. Wenxin capsule can promote activity of t-PA, reduce activity of PAI-1, strengthen fibrinolytic function, therefore inhibit fibrin disposition. 5. Wenxin capsule can inhibit synthesis of smooth muscle cellular DNA. Its function don't kill it directly but prevent transformation from period Go to peried S. 6. Wenxin capsule is an effective prescription of anti-coronary atherosclerosis atherosis. The results of image pattern analysis tastifies that area of lipid plaque in treating group reduce 54% and 58% in contrast with that in control group. The results of light, electro- microscopy show that structure of endolethial cell and smooth muscle cell in treating group is more integral than that in control group.

其作用机制之一是由于该药具有良好的调脂降脂作用,其不仅能明显降低血清LDL-c及升高HDL-c含量,且能有效阻止TC沉积于血管壁,从而保护内皮细胞结构完整;此外,温心胶囊尚具有明显的抗氧化作用,该药不仅能明显降低血浆LPO含量,且能提高SOD活性,同时其对血红素在细胞内代谢的调节作用也参与了抗氧化过程。2 温心胶囊能明显促进内皮细胞释放CO及合成〓,提高HO活性,通过激活血管平滑肌细胞内鸟苷酸环化酶及腺苷酸环化酶引起细胞内cGMP、AMP浓度增加而引起血管舒张。3 温心胶囊能明显抑制血小板激活因子〓的释放,从而抑制血小板聚集,抗血栓形成。4 温心胶囊能明显提高t-PA活性,降低PAI-1活性,增强纤溶功能,从而抑制纤维蛋白沉积。5 温心胶囊能明显抑制平滑肌细胞DNA合成,其抑制作用不是直接杀伤抑制,而是阻止细胞由Go期向S期转化。6 温心胶囊是抗冠状动脉粥样硬化的有效制剂,图象分析结果证实,该药治疗组脂斑面积比对照组缩小了54%和58%,光电镜结果显示内皮细胞及平滑肌细胞结构较为完整

Richard's former wife, Meave, announced her discovery in 1995 of a new species of fossil man-ape called Australopithecus amanensis, an upright walking creature with some apelike features of the face and jaw. When it comes to finding precious relics of the human past, the Leakey luck still holds.

在1970年代,Richard Leakey,Louis 和Mary的儿子,因为找到最古老的、最完整的巧人头盖骨,并且在十年之后,复原第一个完整的直立人–现在所熟悉的Turkana boy–走出因他有一个有名的父亲所带给他的阴影。

Methods: Distribute NIH rat, or cavia porcellus 40 to four 4 groups:Fast-recovery Injury Liquid Membrane、xiaoyanShan、WanHuaYiu、con trol group, They were experimented with antiinflamation, analgesia on; Distribute randomly cavia porcellus 36 into 3 groups:Fast-recovery Injury Liquid Membrane、Model group、Control group, they were experimented with treatment of acute soft tissue injury on; cavia porcellus 4, they were experimented with skin sensitization self-controlly; Distribute rabbit 20 to 5 groups, them were experimented with LD50 on.


The results showed that N6+TDZ0.05 mgL^(-1)+NAA0.01 mgL^(-1)+KT0.50 mgL^(-1) was most suitable for Platanthera mandarinorum with an induction rate of 92.5%; N6+TTDZ0.05 mgL^(-1)+KT0.50 mgL^(-1) was most suitable for Coeloglossum viride with an induction rate of 98%; N6+IAA0.01 mgL^(-1) was most suitable for Platanthera mandarinorum with a germination rate of 96%; N6+IAA0.01 mgL^(-1)+GA30.01 mgL^(-1) was most suitable for Coeloglossum viride with a germination rate of 94.5%.

结果表明,最适合长白舌唇兰原球茎和类原球茎诱导的培养基为N6+TDZ0.05mgL^(-1)+NAA0.01 mgL^(-1)+KT0.50 mgL^(-1),诱导率为92.5%;最适合凹舌兰原球茎和类原球茎诱导的培养基为N6+TDZ0.05 mgL^(-1)+KT0.50 mgL^(-1),诱导率为98%;长白舌唇兰类原球茎萌发为完整植株的最佳培养基为N6+IAA0.01 mgL^(-1),萌发率为96%;凹舌兰类原球茎萌发为完整植株的最佳培养基为N6+IAA0.01 mgL^(-1)+GA30.01 mgL^(-1),萌发率为94.5%。

Peculiarities in the works of art are like those in the human figure; it is by them that we are cognisable and distinguished one from another, but they are always so many blemishes, which, however, both in the one case and in the other, cease to appear deformities to those who have them continually before their eyes.


The results showed that the D50 of Astragalus membranaceus and Epimedium brevicornum ultra-fine powder were 6.82μm and 8.40μm separately. The broken cellular walls of two ultra-fine herbal powder were bigger than those of the commonly cribble, and intact cells were not visible under SEM, and it improved the mixed uniformity. On the contrary, organization blocks of the commonly cribble were clearly discernible, also the shape and granularity were irregular, and the organization cells were still complete. The bulk density and liquidity of Astragalus membranaceus and Epimedium brevicornum increased significantly after ultra-fine Smashing. The component icariin extraction content of the ultra-fine powder was enhanced by 18.31% compared with the cribble by the chromatograph analysis of icariin. At the same time, Astragalus membranaceus polysaccharide and Epimedium brevicornum polysaccharide content of the ultra-fine powder were enhanced by 117.13% and 315.15% compared with the cribble.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
