英语人>网络例句>完整 相关的搜索结果


与 完整 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hamilton principle can be used in holonomic system and intrinsical linear nonholnomic system. The formulas of them are unified. Hamiltonian action is stability in intrinsical linear nonholnomic system.


In chapter two, concepts of integrity, integral set and integral number are introduced firstly, and then some relationships between the integrity and some other parameters of graphs are given, then the upper and lower bounds of the integrity are investigated on the basis of integral number determined. The final result is the upper and lower bounds of integral number if the integrity is known.


The suggested explanatory framework is called AQAL; its orientation is an integral overview of indigenous perspectives; its social practice is an Integral methodological pluralism; its philosophy is Integral post-metaphysics; its signaling network is IOS — all third-person words for a view of the Kosmos in which first persons and second persons are irreducible agents, bearers of sentience and intentionality and feeling, not merely matter and energy and information and causality.


To capture the mantic integrity and the intension of the user query, this paper analyzes the characteristics of Chinese integrated word and presents three methods for its automatic detection by combining the mutual information, the prefix and suffix information of integrity word and the confidence for the integrated word. We further design and realize three prototype systems for Chinese integrated word identification based on the proposed overall confidence, partial-confidence and weighted joint confidence methods respectively.


Results Preoperative MRI classification indicated: intact annuals in 82 levels, annuals tear with intact PLL in 123 levels, PLL tear in 70 level, free protruded mass under PLL in 48 levels; on the other hands, the amount of annuals tear and free protruded mass under PLL introoperative observation were more than that preoperative MRI indicated: intact annuals in 38 levels, annuals tear with intact PLL in 165 levels, PLL tear in 62 level, free protruded mass under PLL in 63 levels; dural sac penetration in 2 levels.

结果: MRI术前分型:纤维环完整者81个椎间隙、纤维环破裂后纵韧带完整者123个椎间隙、后纵韧带破裂者70个椎间隙、髓核后纵韧带后方游离者48个椎间隙。手术发现纤维环破裂数量以及后纵韧带后方游离髓核片数量明显高于MRI的提示:纤维环完整型38个椎间隙、纤维环破裂后纵韧带完整165个椎间隙、后纵韧带破裂髓核疝62个椎间隙、后纵韧带后方游离髓核63个椎间隙、硬膜囊下疝2个椎间隙。

This is because ties the maker pursues the complete modelling and " attractive " the esthetic idea is the result of 0.1 is the vivid mark integrity, is because in the folk idea, only then has the life completely, complete is beautiful 0.2 is the symbolic form structure combination enrichment is plentiful, no matter is the thumb knot or the duplicate knot, big or small, as soon as ties one, the structure is complete.


The first chapter presents a comprehensive study of nonholonomic dynamics. They are studied that the nonlinear problem and un-determinate problem of virtual displacement in nonholonomic system in the second chapter. In chapter 3, they are studied that Chetaev model and Vacco model in nonholonomic system.


Operations are given and testified in this paper. The research methods of intrinsical linear nonholonomic dynamics are similar to those of holonomic dynamics.The rationality and equivalence of Chetaev model and Vacco model in the intrinsical linear nonholonomic system are testified from the mathematic and mechanical aspects. The essential reason is the nonlinear property of intrinsical nonlinear nonholonomic constrain that bring on Chetaev model and Vacco model inequivalent. Chetaev model is a linear approximate method in intrinsical nonlinear nonholonomic system. Vacco dynamical equations are not satisfied to the ideal constraint force conditions, but it gives a significative ponderation on the realizations of intrinsical nonlinear nonholonomic constrain.


Armour rods (to be installed in suspension clamps) Parallel clamps Sub-Total, items 4.1-4.7 OTHER HARDWARE Counterweights for jumper or suspension insulator strings, including necessary device for attachement 50 kg 100 kg Sub-total, item 5.1 – 5.3 SPARES Insulator Units Type U160 Type U210BS Hardware for Conductor ACSR-BISON Complete set of hardware and fittings for suspension string Complete set of hardware and fittings for tension string Complete set of hardware and fittings for jumper string Complete set of hardware and fittings for transposition string Extra suspension clamps Extra tension clamps Extra tension joints Extra repair sleeves Extra vibration dampers Extra armour rods Extra spacers: for span for jumper alternatively spacer dampers Hardware for Earthwire 7 No. 6 AWG Complete suspension set Complete tension set Vibration dampers, Stockbridge type Extra tension clamps Extra tension joints Extra vibration dampers Extra parallel clamps Extra armour rods Hardware for Earthwire 7 No. 6 AWG Complete suspension set Complete tension set Vibration dampers, Stockbridge type Extra tension clamps Extra tension joints Extra vibration dampers Extra parallel clamps Extra armour rods Sub-Total, items 6.1-6.4 Sub-total, Items 1.4, 2.7, 3.8, 4.8, 5.4 and 6.5 Transfer to Summary, Schedule AS-1

装甲棒 平行夹具小计,项目4月1号至4月7号其他硬件重物跳线或中止绝缘子串,包括必要的设备attachement 50公斤 100公斤小计,项目5月1号至5月3号备件绝缘子单位型U160 类型U210BS 硬件导体钢芯铝绞线,拜森一套完整的硬件和配件的暂停字符串一套完整的硬件和配件的紧张字符串一套完整的硬件和配件的跳投字符串一套完整的硬件和配件的转字符串额外的悬浮夹额外的紧张局势夹额外的紧张关节额外的修理袖子额外的振动阻尼器额外的装甲棒额外的间隔:为跨度跳线或者间隔减震器硬件Earthwire 7特设工作组第6号完整的悬挂设定一套完整的紧张局势振动阻尼器,斯托克型额外的紧张局势夹额外的紧张关节额外的振动阻尼器额外的平行夹具额外的装甲棒硬件Earthwire 7特设工作组第6号完整的悬挂设定一套完整的紧张局势振动阻尼器,斯托克型额外的紧张局势夹额外的紧张关节额外的振动阻尼器额外的平行夹具额外的装甲棒小计,项目6月1号至6月4号小计,项目1.4 , 2.7 , 3.8 , 4.8 , 5.4和6.5 (换乘摘要,附表1 仅供参考

Our results indicated that (1) aortic rings with and without endothelium precontracted by NE to decreased pH induced a relaxation; aortic rings with and without endothelium to increased pH induced a contraction; there is no significant difference in presence and absence of endothelium .(2)NO levels had no significant change in isolated aortic rings presence and absence of endothelium to decreased pH and increased pH ;(3)sulfite levels in isolated aortic rings with endothelium reduced to decreased pH and increased pH. sulfite levels in aortic rings without endothelium had no remarkable change.


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When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
