英语人>网络例句>完全系统 相关的搜索结果


与 完全系统 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the United States today this perfectly valid business practice is ratified by the Federal Reserve System .


She made him the Horos, or Methorion Pneuma, the Boundary-Spirit, the Sweet Odour of the Second Filiation, a companion on with Christos, etc., etc. In some systems he is entirely left out.

她使他Horos ,或Methorion牛马( Horos , Metherion牛马),在边界的精神,甜蜜的气味第二亲子关系,同伴与克里斯托旺,等等,等等在一些系统中,他是完全排除在外。

It is argued that only fine-grained chain of trust can describe the genuine scenario of real world application.


based on the introduction of the merit and shortcoming and the analysis of the generate methods of the main random sequences,we propose a new method which is based on the substitution and recurrence structure,and the method is implemented by fpga.the generated sequences by this method not only can pass the test of the fips 140-2 standard,but also have high performance:long period,high linear complexity,good correlation function value and high generation speed,it can be used widely in information security system and so on.

摘 要:在介绍了现有随机序列的优缺点以及分析随机序列主要产生方法的基础上,提出了一种基于循环替换原理的伪随机序列产生方法,并用fpga加以实现。该方法产生的伪随机序列完全符合fips140-2标准,并具有周期长、线性复杂度高、相关性好以及产生时间短的特性,能广泛应用于信息安全等系统中。

And, thus, a fully fledged database system provides little or no advantage .


The analytic results obtained from the PCT evaluations revealed that the most limiting accident was the case with a break at the Main Steamline Outside Containment. Its PCT was 1289.15 ℉, which is much below the upper temperature limit of 2200℉ set by the nuclear regulatory authority. The most limiting accident for the minimum water level measured outside the core shroud is the case with a break at the High Pressure Core Flooder Line, the minimum water level drops to 18.4 ft. For this case, even though the water level has dropped to 11.6 ft below the top of the active fuel, the reactor core was still completely covered by the two-phase water.

分析结果显示,对燃料护套最高温度而言,最严重之事故为围阻体外主蒸汽管路破口,其燃料护套最高温度为1289.15 ℉,此温度远在法规10CFR50.46所定之限值 2200 ℉以下;对反应炉最低水位而言,则最严重之事故为高压注水系统管路破口,反应炉降水区最低水位降至18.4 ft,约在有效燃料顶部以下11.6 ft,然而炉心内部仍为双相饱和流体所完全覆盖。

Based on grey system theory and fuzzy theory, uncertain decision making problems and several relative articles were studied, then points out the advantage and shortage of them when dealing with grey fuzzy set were pointed out. In this paper, using optimization theory and the maximum entropy formulism, a method for multi attribute group decision making based on the theory of grey fuzzy relation is established.

引言不确定型决策问题在社会、经济、环境和管理等各个领域中普遍存在,并且是一项复杂的系统工程,由于人的参与使相关数据与信息系统中的不确定性更加显著,不确定性通常分为 2类,一个是所谓"主观"不确定性,即人的思维模糊性,另一个是信息不完全、不充分所造成的客观不确定性,即灰性。

It represents China's first complete hydrogen fueling system, including the necessary infrastructure and services.


Why? Because software is a fundamentally different kind of system.


As you've just learned, memory management is completely the responsibility of the Garbage Collector. All other system resources are your responsibility.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
