英语人>网络例句>完全系统 相关的搜索结果


与 完全系统 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compared with the deviation curve of the outlet thickness gained from the monitor-control system on-line, the roller gap curve of the model dovetailed nicely with the reality, which approved the accuracy of the model building and the rationality of the model simplify.


The overall ha rdware and software design and the composition of all function modules are described. Experiment results show tha t the scheme can totally meet the demands of highˉ speed, large storage and realˉtime performance of the strapdown se eker, and also has the merits of small volume, low cost and nice stability.


This text tries to set up a theoretical analyze system—""the economics essence of anti-money laundering—cost and benefit — the institutional choice"", in which money launderer, the bank, and the government supervisor are considered jointly, especially focusing on analyzing the model of anti-money laundering of banking.


However, because these systems are cold, and because RO filters are not absolute, microbiological contamination is not unusual.

然而,由于该系统是冷系统,RO 过滤器也不是完全有效的,微生物污染是常见的。

Filtrate Recirculation and Chemical Dosing - The CIP transfer/recirculation pump starts to recirculate the water to the skid in a closed loop. The skid is fully isolated from the rest of the system, typically by block and bleed systems.

过滤再循环和化学计量-开启原位清洗转换/再循环泵使水在一个封闭式回流设备中再循环到skid 中。skid 和系统的其他部分是由典型的阻塞-排放系统完全隔离的。

Finally,This paper confirms feasibility,reliability,and robusticity of the decision support system for soil and water conservation taking ChaoYang data for an example.

基于ArcGIS Engine开发的水土保持决策支持系统最大的特点是能完全脱离ArcGIS软件系统在Windows环境下独立运行,而且操作简单方便。

Therefore, it can be regarded as a great improvement of the investment decision-making theory and methods .This article makes a systematic research on real options theory and method and its application, including the following several main aspects:Firstly, it makes a detailed discussion about the common theoretical basis of financial options and real options, including no-arbitrage equilibrium principle, risk-neutral definition, complete market and dynamic tracking.Secondly, it analyze three basic characteristic of investment decision-making in modern market economic system: irreversibility, uncertainty and flexibility, and from the angle of their mutual quantitative and qualitative interactions, it makes a comparison between the traditional NPV methods and real options methods and makes a summary of the general analytical methods of real options.Thirdly, it discusses the all elements in the application of real options such as the ^leakages in value of real assets, basis risk, and private risk, and furthermore, it attempts to put forth a normalized strategy of its application and construct a basic framework of its application.Fourthly, it applies real options theory to strategetic investment of enterprises and the buy-out of company, putting forth a value model for strategetic investment program and making a concrete analysis of its application to buy-out. Furthermore, it advocates that a flexible investment decision-making system should be setup according to real options theory in our country.


And their fractal figures have been drawn. Meanwhile, to obtain a better visual effect and simulate actual natural scene, software adopts the real color and color palette to enrich figures, and color animated cartoon to change them. To show the self-similarity and infinitive tractility of fractal figures, partial zoom has been made on them. In addition, the software also provides several groups of graphic parameters. Very different fractal figure can be created through slightly changing such parameters.


It makes its capabilities unforgeable by storing them in internal kernel memory space. POSIX capabilities used in Linux , which are quite different, divide all traditional powerful root privilege into a set of distinct privileges, therefore harden Linux in face of some defective programs.

它采用保护地址空间的方法使得其能力不可伪造,但它跟经典的能力系统实现存在较大的差异,Linux中使用的POSIX Capabilities则完全不同,它只是将传统Unix系统中的强大的root权限作一有限子集划分,从而使得Linux在面临运行存有安全漏洞的程序时不至于全线崩溃。

By regression of experimental data, therules of the linkage between these factors, which will provide a theoretical basis for designing BBP with different scales.3 Using thermal analysis technology and dynamic thermogravimetry, the paper studies combustion kinetic characteristics of 3 types of agricultural crops at different rate of temperature rise, and thus, achieved dynamic parameters of these fuels at different rate of temperature, established dynamic model of straw combustion, which reflects the dynamic process in the fast combustion area.4 Characteristics of straw briquette combustion was experimented, focusing on the impact of straw type, temperature, air supply, and density, diameter, and weight of briquette on the combustion speed, and the following conclusions were drawn:(1) combustion of straw briquette fuel is static permeation diffusion combustion;(2) temperature has a larger impact on the speed of straw briquette combustion than air supply; the higher the combustion temperature is, the faster volatilizable component separates out, and the less steady the combustion is;(3) density of briquette fuel has impact on the speed of volatilizable component separation and therefore the combustion speed;(4) increase of diameter and weight of briquette fuel increases the average combustion speed in the initial stage, and that in the later stages is comparatively steady;(5) the proportion of volatilizable component in straw briquette fuel is high, therefore, the temperature control during combustion under the rational ventilation condition is essential to ensure its safe combustion.5 Using the above-mentioned results of experiments and theoretical analysis, and based on thought of hydraulic driven and bi-direction compression, the hydraulic system and compression parts of the HBP BBP are re-designed in terms of industrialization.

利用热分析技术,采用动态热重实验法,对我国的三大农作物秸秆在不同升温速率下的燃烧动力学特性进行了较系统的研究。得到了各原料在不同升温速率下的动力学参数;建立了秸秆燃烧的动力学模型,该模型反映了秸秆迅速燃烧区的动力学过程。 4 对秸秆成型燃料的燃烧特性进行了试验研究。着重研究了秸秆河南农业大学博士学位论文巫的种类、温度、空气供给量、成型燃料密度、直径、质量对成型燃料燃烧速度的影响并得出如下主要结论:①秸秆成型燃料的燃烧方式属于静态渗透式扩散燃烧。②秸秆成型燃料燃烧速度受温度的影响大于通风量燃烧速度的影响:燃烧温度越高,挥发分析出速度越快,燃烧平稳性愈差。③成型燃料密度影响成型燃料挥发分的析出速度,影响燃烧速度。④成型燃料直径和质量的增加,使得燃烧初期的平均燃烧速度增大,中后期的平均燃烧速度相对平稳。⑤秸秆成型燃料含挥发分比例高,因此合理配风下的控温燃烧是保证其完全燃烧的关键。 5运用已取得的试验和理论分析结果,以液压驱动、双向成型为基础,从产业化的角度对HBP型成型机进行了液压系统和成型部件的改进设计;同时采用了二级预压机构,使该成型机的生产率达到 500kg.hd;单位能耗 60kwh。上'左右,磨损件修复周期 300小时左右,基本解决了影响生物质固化技术在国内推广的技术难题。

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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
