英语人>网络例句>完全系统 相关的搜索结果


与 完全系统 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To improve the decision ability of the GDSS,we will propose a new idea in this paper based on rough set and analytic hierarchy process to construct the judgment matrices us


A completely trusted third party is not necessary in our scheme. It makes the system model simpler and reinforces undeniability and anonymousness of cash-publishing bank, therefore strengthens security of whole system and anonymousness of E-Cash. The application of self-certified public key policy also can lighten the burden of verifying cash for corporation and depositing bank.


Spot adjustment shows that the arrangement of software and hardware can meet the demand of design and realize completely anticipant of various functions.


Finally the design of entire system demands the quest of communication of data traffic of avionics system.


Although axiomatic systems and proof method for temporal logic have found so far relatively few applications in the query language modeling of temporal database and that was proved by Gabbay, et al in 1994, the model of time axes still must be built axiomatically, which owns soundness and completeness and depicts the time axes in fine grain.


The most important development in mathematical logic for the philosophy of mathematics was Godel's proof that any axiomatic system powerful enough to formalise arithmetic will be incomplete in the sense that there will be truths which are not provable within the system.


With regard to its design concept, the safety system shall be totally separate from the control system.


Nowadays, it is largely used in ironworks and cement plants, etc. If we change its spray gas with nitrogen, improve inlet gas of cleaning tube and bleeder value; it can be fit for gas cleaning in steel-making firms and ironworks.


S98ZKA0336 VCD UP-GRADING CIRCUIT BOARD FOR A CD PLAYER OR CD-ROM 获证 US 发明 08/815309 5926606 2017/3/9 540,000 Nuvoton 让与 A VCD up-grading circuit board for a CD player or CD-ROM includes an MPEGdecoder, a microprocessor, a DRAM, an audio digital/analog converter, a TV encoder and a synchronous clock generator. The VCD up-grading circuit board for a CD player or CD-ROM is attached to the CD player or CD-ROM to allow the CD player or CD-ROM to play a VCD without additional connection between the VCD up-grading circuit board and the CD player.

S98ZKA0335 自动产生及校正系统同步时钟之影音光碟机升级板获证 TW 发明 86101019 90406 2017/1/29 460,000 Nuvoton 让与本发明系关於一种自动产生及校正系统同步时钟之影音光碟机升级板,尤指一种可附加於CD播放机内而升级为影音光碟播放机之升级用的电路板,此升级电路板为可解决传统升级电路与CD播放机之间同步讯号连接之不便性、易产生干扰与更改CD播放机原有线路所衍生之各项缺陷下,而为一种无需於其间额外连接同步时钟讯号,而在升级板上内建一同步时钟产生器,以随时监视CD播放机与MPEG解码器之左右声道取样时钟讯号之相位差而立即补正,即可达到令两者完全同步者。

The stability of the linear periodic system is determined by it's characteristic exponent. This paper studies how to assign characteristic exponent for linear periodic system. In order to do this, the original system has to be converted to the block controllable form by rotating transform first.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
