英语人>网络例句>安哥拉 相关的搜索结果


与 安哥拉 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The recent attack on the Togolese football team at the African Cup in Angola has increased fear that athletes are becoming prize targets for terrorists.


A high level delegation including senior Angola government official and the head of African football Issa Hayatou went to see them,but it appears the Togolese government has had the final say.

包括安哥拉高级官员和非洲足球负责人Issa Hayatou在内的高级代表团前往探望他们,但是似乎多哥政府已经做出了最终决定。

While renewing its condolences to the families of the victims, CAF has pointed out that Togo's players were willing to stay in Angola and complete their matches despite the gun attack on their team bus, but the Togolese government ordered them home.


The first football match to be played at the Angolan enclave of Cabinda as part of the African Cup of Nations tournament has passed off without incident three days after the Togolese team came under attack in the province.


UN peacekeepers marching monitoring the // fragile ceasefire outside Goma said they had seen Angolan soldires reenforcing soldiers reinforcing Congolese government troop troops on the frontline .

联合国维和士兵在G oma 城外进行脆弱的停火协议工作,说他们看见安哥拉部队前线支援了刚果政府部队。

Angola was the most identifiable trouble spot in South West Africa.


See how this strikes you:"As the rich, golden glow of the sunset died away along the eternal western hills, Angela's limpid blue eyes looked softly and trustingly into Montague's flashing brown ones, and her heart pounded like a drum in time with the joyous song surging in her soul."


In addition, the men's basketball warm-up match will be accumulated through the wealth of experience, the current Stankovic Cup in China men's basketball team to do the main objective of the Angolan repatriation main source for the Chinese men's basketball to find out the other side "family property" provides a valuable opportunity.


Cabinda is saperated separated from Angola by the the Democratic Republic of Congo.


R.M, described as the head of a faction of the Cabinda group Flec, has said the group wrote to the president of the Nations Cup two months ago, warning him against holding matches in the Angolan province.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


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