英语人>网络例句>孢囊孢子 相关的搜索结果


与 孢囊孢子 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Female gametogenesis in higher plants undergoes various developmental changes, including the de novo formation of germline cells, the differentiation of the megaspore mother cell, meiosis, megaspore selection, and the development of the embryosac.


In fungi it may be a simple hypha or erect branch of a hyphae; in lower vascular plants it may be a leaf or a STROBILUS.


The sporulated oocyst holds 2 sporocysts and each sporocyst contains 2 sporozoites,i.e.each oocyst contains a total of 4 sporozoites.


To find out the substitute parameters for pathogenic microorganism warning aiming at potential pathogenic microorganism pollution accidents happened in water environment,the relationships between turbidity ,particle counts and concentration,removal,recovery rate of Giardia cyst and Cryptosporidium oocyst in raw and filtered water are presented.


Compare with Zygomycetes which produce sporangiospores inside a sporangium.


Microspore Ye as the feather, small sporophyll sac formed by the polymerization, each polymer capsules formed by four small sporangia, small spores with dual airbags, and airbag Pinaceae pollen is similar to large sporophyll from the central axis and arranged in Brachypodium feather composition, Each Yibing has a shell bucket, each bucket containing shell upright ovules 10-12 months.


Species delimitation in halophytophthora is based mainly on the morphology of zoosporangium, the presence of vesicle or/and plug, and the mode of zoospore release.


Some of these spores in the sporangium After the mitotic generated, such as clothes swimming algae spores, Rhizopus spores of the cyst, chlorella-like pro-spores, etc.; some spores in the sporangia produced in the future through meiosis, such as Ulva lactuca , kelp, to money, gourd moss, fern and so on.


From 94 soil samples and 9 bark samples in these areas, 259 Myxobacteria strains were isolated and 140 strains of them were purified. These 259 Myxobacteria strains were primarily identified in genus or species level by their fruiting bodies, myxospores and vegetative cells on the base of Sergey's manual of determinative bacteriology and they belonged to 9 genera(Myxococcus, Corallococcm. Angiococcus. Archangium, Cystobacter. Stigmatella . Hapoangium. Nannocystis. Polyangium) of Myxococcales.

根据菌株的特征性子实体形态和其营养细胞、粘孢子形态,以《Bergey's manualof determinative bacteriology》第九版为依据,将分离纯化出的菌株初步鉴定到属,这259株粘细菌菌株经过初步的分类鉴定,分属于9个属,即粘球菌属139株、珊瑚球菌属20株、囊球菌属18株、原囊菌属21株、孢囊杆菌属5株、标桩菌属36株、单囊菌属9株、小囊菌属3株,和多囊菌属8株。

Ninety seven spores or sporocarps of VAMF were wet sieved from the rhizosphere soil of mycorrhized pteridophytes, from which 25 VAMF species which belonged to the genera of Acaulospora, Gigaspora, Glomus, Sclerocystis and Scutellospora respectively were identified, and the taxonomic characters of the 25 species were described. The Glomus fungi were the dominant VAMF in the rhizosphere soil of pteridophytes, they took up 44% in the identified 25 VAMF (11 species belong to Glomus); the fungi in Acaulospora and Sclerocystis in the next place, they took up 24% and 16% respectively in the identified VAMF; the fungi in the other genera took up 16%. In terms of the relationships of pteridophytes and the VAMF isolated from their rhizosphere soil, there was no specifity between the VAMF and their host.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
