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与 字面 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To marry someone of the same sex. Also used hyperbolically to mean to form.


Also used hyperbolically to mean to form an unconventional relationship, as in, I love my new cellphone so much I want to gay-marry it.

& 当然从字面意思上理解就是&和同性结婚&的意思,不过这个词后来也被广泛运用为&过分喜欢某物的意思。造句:我太喜欢我的手机了,我要和它来个 gaymarry!

The apocalyptic motifs of the imminency of end-time cataclysms, the anticipation of the end of the age, the hope of a literal kingdom, and the expectation of direct divine intervention strongly support a futurist view of Revelation.


For more than a hundred years, critics have remarked on the incoherency of using literally in a way that suggests the exact opposite of its primary sense of in a manner that accords with the literal sense of the words.

Fowler cited the example 数百年来,批评家们一直在讨论literally 的一种用法的不连续性,这一用法使其具有与主要意义&和字面意思相吻合地&正好相反的含义。

While the Pharisees included the whole width of the Israelitish camp-that is, 2,000 ells, or a radius of one mile-in the term "place," and made allowance besides for carrying things which is otherwise forbidden; see Jer.

撒玛利亚会和卡拉派信徒同样字面禁止离开一个地方的安息日(出十六。 29日),而法利包括整个宽度Israelitish营地,即2000年ells ,或一个半径一英里,在任期&地点&,并作了津贴除了执行外

"I've had patients who are literally blind, on dialysis and neuropathic who refuse to admit they have diabetes," says Jacobson.


Another group, the Kharijites (literally "those who seceded"), broke away from Ali (who was murdered by one of their members) and from the Umayyads. They developed the doctrine that confession, or faith, alone did not make a person a believer and that anyone committing grave sins was an unbeliever destined to hell. They applied this argument to the leaders of the community, holding that caliphs who were grave sinners could not claim the allegiance of the faithful. While the mainstream of Muslims accepted the principle that faith and works must go together, they rejected the Kharijite ideal of establishing here on earth a pure community of believers, insisting that the ultimate decision on whether a person is a believer or an unbeliever must be left to God.

另一组中, kharijites (字面意思为&那些分裂&),冲破阿里(谁是杀害他们的一个成员),并从倭马亚王朝,他们开发出的理论供述,或信仰,本身并不使某人信奉和任何人犯下了严重的罪过,是一个异教徒注定要下地狱,他们运用这个论点扩大到社会的领导人,认为caliphs被严重的罪人,可以不要求效忠的忠诚,而主流的穆斯林接受的原则,即信仰和工程一定要在一起,他们拒绝了kharijite理想的建立就在地球上一个纯粹的社区的信徒,坚持表示,最终的决定对一个人是否是一个信仰者,或一个异教徒必须留给上帝。

But literally "El's Likeness", but according to Rabbi Simeon ben Lakish (230-270 CE), all the specific names for the angels were brought back by the Jews from Babylon, and many modern commentators would agree.


The author manages to find out the origins of these words from the perspective of the developmental history of Chinese words, and to present a further description for the historical track along which the meanings of these words develop. Another goal of this thesis is to supplement the present dictionaries with some meanings of certain words or even words which fail to be collected, to ccrrect some mistakes in these dictionaries or other relevant works, to show the influence of the languages of Buddhist documents on that of Dunhuang documents, and eventually to enlighten people as to the study on the development of the common-core words in Chinese as well as the lexicological history of the Chinese language.


Sometimes Nyai Loro Kidul literally is spoken of as a " naga ", a mythical snake.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
