英语人>网络例句>字面 相关的搜索结果


与 字面 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then, in 1996, a man named Chris Nystrom took that code, and ported it to Standard C. However, it was a very literal port (much like Mr. Birken's C# version): virtually all variables are global, maintaining their cryptic one or two letter names, and nearly all functions pass their parameters and return values using global variables.


Dont get jumpy and want to jump head first into your new role as a mom. Your hormones are still out of whack, you just gave birth to a baby the size of a bolling ball, and you are literally worn out!

唐的 T获得jumpy ,并要跳转头部首先到您的新角色,作为一个妈妈,你的荷尔蒙仍走出痛击,你刚才生下一个婴儿大小的一bolling球,你是从字面上破旧!

The Latin name for great white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, literally means "ragged tooth," an understandable moniker.

大白鲨的拉丁名字,Carcharodon carcharias,照字面意思&粗糙的牙齿&,一个可以理解的绰号。

Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks The Latin name for great white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, literally means "ragged tooth," an understandable moniker.


Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks The Latin name for great white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, literally means "ragged tooth," an understandable moniker.

以拉丁文命名的大白鲨鱼, Carcharodon carcharias ,按字面上的意思是&衣衫褴褛的牙齿&,一个可以理解的绰号。

Too much aerobics subject us to a repetitive catabolic state where it literally is eating up muscle tissue.


Of the research object and also to differentiate and analyze some easily confusable concepts,establishing some core concepts of this research, such as the surface meaning, deep meaning, double meanings etc, differentiating their differences and relations from literal meaning, implication, implicature, ambiguity.


Since there is no conflicting evidence and one piece of consistent (though not strictly corroboratory ) evidence, I recommend we take Riddle's statement at face value and assume Harry is a half-blood.


Literally, counterlife means a person can lead many lives instead of one and these many selves may even contradict each other.


Coup has had a rich development in French, gaining numerous senses, participating in numerous phrases, such as coup d'état, and giving rise to many derivatives, including couper, to cut; literally, to divide with a blow or stroke.

Coup在法语中变化发展很多,具有了许多意思,组成了许多短语,如 coup d'ètat,并生成许多派生词,包括 couper切;字面上的意思是用一击或一打使分开。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
