英语人>网络例句>婚礼 相关的搜索结果


与 婚礼 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was dreaming your attendance in the wedding as the bridesman.


From time immemorial, wedding ceremony has been permeated in the atmosphere of jubilation, with the thundering firecrackers, the nuptial bed with ornamental engravings, the soft brocaded quilts, and the golden character of "double happiness" on a red background.


What I want to know is: if Nicolas Sarkozy did wed Carla Bruni last week, as rumour has it, what did she wear?


When you return you must bring me brutus' head as a wedding present.


After the wedding, we went to Zion Canyon and Bryce Canyon with a lot of friends.

婚礼完后,我们和很多朋友一起去了bryce canyon和zion canyon游玩。

On their wedding day, Pecos Bill dressed in his best buckskin suit.


I have been trying to liven my skin up for my upcoming wedding and tried the buckthorn mask with excellent results.


After then Ebola versa spread out in Uganda again ( it happened around 2003) people died in a very short time. It brought out a lot of fears of death within the country, the Government banned up all mass gathering such as introduction, wedding, burial and church service because of it but people are busy moving out, busy with X-mas's shopping and preparation and functions. We thank GOD Ebola is under control now.

随后, Ebola 病毒再此入侵乌干达(在 2003 年的时候曾发生过一次),患者在短短的几天内暴死,整个的国家顿时笼罩在死亡的恐惧中,政府也立即禁止所有的聚集,如婚前的介绍会、婚礼及教会的团契,然而人们还是在百筹无展中奔走,随着圣诞节的钟声日益逼近,人们又奔走忙于圣诞节的大采购、集会及聚会,一切又回复到原来的状况,感谢神, Ebola 病毒终于得到控制。

She got married last week,and many of her friends attended her wedding by invitation.


She got married last weed, and many of her friends attended her wedding by invitation.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
