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What Charlemagne could not do by diplomacy and synods (Narbonne, 788; Ratisbon, 792; Frankfort, 794; Aix-la-Chapelle, 799) he accomplished by enlisting the services of missionaries like St. Benedict of Aniane, who reported as early as 800 the conversion of 20,000 clerics and laymen; and savants like Alcuin, whose treatises "Adv. Elipandum Toletanum" and "Contra Felicem Urgellensem" will ever be a credit to Christian learning.

什么查理曼不能做,由外交和主教会议( narbonne , 788 ;拉蒂斯邦, 792 ;法兰克福, 794名;埃克斯-香格里拉- C hapelle的,有7 99个),他的成就并争取服务的传教士一样,圣本笃的阿尼亚讷,他报告了早800转换20000神职人员和普通人; savants像阿尔昆,其论文"副elipandum toletanum "和"矛盾felicem urgellensem "将永远是一个信用,以基督教学习。

By analyzeing the characteristic of the combustion of the diesel engine, a new method of strengthened combustion for diesel engine is presented.


Then this unharmonious moment forces us to look at our position in this tension which takes on beauty and effects on our imaginary at the same time.
