英语人>网络例句>威胁 相关的搜索结果


与 威胁 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article XIX of the GATT is sometimes referred to as the escape clause because it permits a country to "escape" temporarily from its obligations under the GATT with respect to a particular product when increased imports of that product are causing or are threatening to cause serious injury to domestic producers.


The Allies, led by the United States of America, wanted Iwo Jima not only to neutralize threats to its bombers and shipping, but to use its airfields for fighter escort and emergency bomber landings.


The best plan seems to be to answer that I have entirely abandoned mere literature, and am contemplating a book on 'The Causes of Early Blight in the Potato,' a melancholy circumstance which threatens to deprive us of our chief esculent root.


Their paranoid espousal of various conspiracy theories, rabid support of Israel and religious Zionism, and fiery preaching about the "Islamic Threat" held for me a strange fascination.


It is a threat to financial stability of the euro area and the European Union.


To me, the most disturbing sign was Huang's evasiveness. He pleaded repeatedly that patients needed to be treated:"These are suffering, dying people. I am a surgeon.


As previous studies in this area have long emphasized more on the social levels of reporter-source interactions, this study, based on the literature of pragmatics, facework, and impoliteness, examined how the news reporters interact with their sources on a linguistic level trying to distinguish varied verbal strategies used by these two interactants in news reporting, such as exhorting, evasiveness, verbal threatening, and verbal attacking.

本研究改以语用学之言说行动、语境概念、礼貌原则以及社会心理学之面子、面子威胁等概念为基础,归纳出人际沟通由核心到外围的语言互动脉络,并依合作程度高低推演出记者与消息来源间之「合作性语言互动」与「非合作性语言互动」(non-cooperative verbal interaction)两种不同语言互动策略。

And then I become even more convinced that you and your different beliefs are a threat to me.


Another advantage is that you escape the ever-present threat of traffic accidents on the city's busy streets.


His grasping old landlord threatened to evict him, his wife, and his daughter.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
