英语人>网络例句>威胁 相关的搜索结果


与 威胁 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This dissertation has conducted some information superiority oriented research focusing on some key technologies such as information acquiring, object recognition, situation assessment, threat assessment, target assignment, effectiveness evaluation of C~4ISR system, effectiveness evaluation of NCW in cognitive domain and so on. The main research and devotement of this dissertation are listed as follows: 1. Based on the analysis of physical meaning and campaign course of Lanchester linear law, we proposed a model reflecting the impact of surveillance and reconnaissance on force attrition. The model also discussed the effect of asymmetry information on the outcome of the battle, and conquered the disadvantage of Lanchester equation in modeling C~4ISR system.


An overly stark dichotomization here would point to those in the US who see China as a threat......


And their most important achievement, in Mr Dickey's estimation, is to have turned New York's multicultural diversity to their advantage, building up a team of more than 600 linguists fluent in some 50 languages and dialects. In 2007 NYPD analysts published a 90-page booklet,"Radicalization in the West", seeking to pass on what they had learnt about the home-grown threat in Europe and America.


Multitarget differential game and bargaining differential game are proposed for the first time, which extend the classical differential game to develop a new method for the solution of combat tactics.


In this paper, the concept of network security and security structures of OSI and Internet is introduced, and various threats confronting the computer network are also discussed. Several kinds of network information security technologies, including firewall technology, virtual private network, intrusion detection system, data encryption technology, identity authentication and security protocol etc. are also examined. The security of internal network is the biggest problem in the construction of each network. The solution to this problem lies in setting up a firewall. The theory of a firewall and the approach to its actualization is studied. Intrusion detection system, an important part of the computer network security system, has gained extensive attention. IDS monitors the computer and network traffic for intrusion and suspicious activities. It not only detects the intrusion from the extranet hacker, but also the intranet users. The emergence of virtual private network paves the way for realizing secure connection of LAN quickly and at a relatively low cost. The concept, function, key techniques, including the tunnel technology, and the ways to realize VPN are expounded in this paper. Also introduced is the data encrypt network technology, which is called the soul of computer network security, such as digital digest, digital signature, digital certificate, digital encrypt arithmetic and so on. At the same time, the principle and the process of implementing network security by digital certificate and digital signature, the basic principle and characters of security protocols, and finally, three of the security protocols, concerning the security problems in network, IPsec, SLL and SET are analyzed in detail Computer network system should be a system of dynamic defence, both dynamic and static, passive as well as active, and even offensive, combined with management and technology.


Russia denounces America's "diktat and imperialism", talks of a new arms race, threatens oil and gas supplies to neighbours regarded as unfriendly, and says it wants to overturn the Western-inspired economic order.


There is no reason to assume that a rising China poses a threat to the United States, or that China's emergence represents a diminution of American leadership.


The Kuwaiti interior ministry threatened a 100 dinar ($356) fine or one month imprisonment for anyone caught eating in public or encouraging others to do so before dusk.


Of course diphtheria still presents a threat and will probably always do so.


Diptera is a fly Tephritidae, is an important fruit and vegetable pests are known to the world more than 4000 kinds of fruit flies, known in China about 400 kinds of fruit flies, the danger of fruit and vegetable crops or pose a potential threat to an important type of account More than 50 countries provided for in quarantine fly nearly 20 categories.

实蝇属双翅目实蝇科,是重要的果蔬害虫,全世界已知实蝇4000多种,我国已知实蝇约 400种,危险性或对果蔬作物构成潜在威胁的重要种类计50余种,各国规定的检疫实蝇类近20种。

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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
