英语人>网络例句>威胁 相关的搜索结果


与 威胁 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a backhanded compliment , but also a threat on the Kindle.


If there were such a backlash, it could be a threat not just to globalisation, but to democracy itself.


Besides the common features of the terrorisms,for example the political,violent and illegal,the terrorism threatened Chines security has some special characters:multimember major structure,complicated international background,strong religious character and backstairs manner of ution.


Bagdad has been seen as the most unsuitable for living city as for its war and many threats after war.


If it were dropped from the Endangered Species List, the bald eagle would still be a threatened species.


If it were dropped from the endangered list, the bald eagle would still be a threatened species.


Of course, every unhappy Islamic country is unhappy in its own way. The threats to outspoken women are less baldly murderous in Iran, which has always been a richer, more cosmopolitan culture than you'd find in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, or the tribal areas of Pakistan.


Balk the purpose of those who threaten us.


In the analyse of ballistic missile defense systems, it is important to analyze the


Ballooning from fewer than 100,000 files in 2003 to about 435,000, the growing database threatens to overwhelm the people who manage it.

气球从不到10万人的档案,在2003年至约435000 ,越来越多的数据库威胁压倒的人管理它。

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Because the relationship between the roller with ink performance, a printing plate to business card printing and membership card making text, pattern of clarity.


Intuitively, Urban Maximum Flux Principle is to calculate or sense interplays, correlations or complexity of relational reality, and then maximize it under constraints.


The perfect sunshine afternoon is completed with the Little Love Song sung by Sodagreen. I wrote down those murmurs sharing my peaceful mood with you. Your strapped rainy city exchanged whisper words with my sunny weather here in york: the babyblue sky, the milk-white tender clouds. How haven't youlistend to sodagreen yet? such a cyan you ^^ this is the image you create for me.
