英语人>网络例句>好运 相关的搜索结果


与 好运 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dear Daughter, since thou claim'st me for thy Sire, And my fair Son here showst me, the dear pledge Of dalliance had with thee in Heav'n, and joys Then sweet, now sad to mention, through dire change [ 820 ] Befalln us unforeseen, unthought of, know I come no enemie, but to set free From out this dark and dismal house of pain, Both him and thee, and all the heav'nly Host Of Spirits that in our just pretenses arm'd [ 825 ] Fell with us from on high: from them I go This uncouth errand sole, and one for all Myself expose, with lonely steps to tread Th' unfounded deep, and through the void immense To search with wandring quest a place foretold [ 830 ] Should be, and, by concurring signs, ere now Created vast and round, a place of bliss In the Purlieues of Heav'n, and therein plac't A race of upstart Creatures, to supply Perhaps our vacant room, though more remov'd, [ 835 ] Least Heav'n surcharg'd with potent multitude Might hap to move new broiles: Be this or aught Then this more secret now design'd, I haste To know, and this once known, shall soon return, And bring ye to the place where Thou and Death [ 840 ] Shall dwell at ease, and up and down unseen Wing silently the buxom Air, imbalm'd With odours; there ye shall be fed and fill'd Immeasurably, all things shall be your prey.

" 他说罢,母子俩大为高兴,"死"一听说有这样可以吃饱的地方,不觉微笑露出了狰狞的牙齿,预祝自己的肚皮将交好运,邪恶的母亲也同样欢喜,这样对她父亲说: V2:她说罢,聪明的魔王便警悟,立刻放温和些,这样委婉地答道,"亲爱的女儿,你既然叫我父亲,又把俊美的儿子指给我看,这是我在天上和你嬉游时的纪念品,当初的欢喜、甜蜜,今天已不堪回首,都只因这不可预料的不幸变故。要知道,我这次来不是要同你们敌对,而是要把你们和一切为正当的权利而武装起义,并从天上坠落的天使军的精灵们解放,从黑暗和痛苦中解放出来。

Good Luck Wamu, it was fun working with you but your days are numbered and you can thank upper management.

好运wamu ,它是乐趣与你共事,但你的日子已经屈指可数,你可以感谢上层管理。

Perhaps make money with Mei Xin upstart,I am glad he did not belong to this consumer group.


After I joined Moret for about one month, he decided to quit for personal development and I filled his position as General sales and marketing manager, his valediction to me is: your job is very very challenging, good luck to you!


According to the classic Vedic sacrificial religion, if the gods are pleased, they will grant good fortune.


As distinguishing personalities to certain individuals, every colour is seized of unique meaning. Blue for instance, it represents peace, tranquility, stability and harmony. While enjoyment, happiness, optimism and hope are revealed from yellow. Green is a metaphor of health, luck, rejuvenation and youth. Orange expresses the concept of balance, warmth, enthusiasm and vibratility. Black stands for strenth, profundity, formality and mystery. Red indicates a meaning of vigor, zeal, appetency and speed. With mindful notice, you may experience the different inherent meanings and from which, colours are bringing different visual impacts.


"In France in the twelfth century the custom was to supply the table with red apples; in Provence, with grapes, figs, and a calf's head, or anything new, easily digested, and tasty, as an omen of good luck to all Israel" Mazor Vitry, p.

"在法国12世纪的习俗是供应表的红色苹果;在普罗旺斯,葡萄,无花果,和小腿的头,或任何新的东西,很容易消化,又好吃,作为一个预兆好运所有以色列"( Mazor维特里,第362 )。

Not even some good waggle controls can make up for Mario Party's luck-of-the-draw nature.


I am looking for ward to seeing you.


Jake: Welcome aboard and good luck on your first day.

杰克: 欢迎加入,祝妳第一天上班好运

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
