英语人>网络例句>好人 相关的搜索结果


与 好人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Zhu is a good man with a detail, which happened some months ago.


I like that there's some peril," says Adelstein."There's a cliff-hanger to Kellerman's story line in the finale, and I think there will be some passionate discussion about exactly what happened.

我喜欢总是有那么点危险/人命关天& Adelstein 说,& Kellerman 在大结局里的剧情有见分晓(即对他最后到底是好人还是坏人最后作了定义),我想关于发生过的事情,还会有一些受强烈感情影响的争论出现。

Melvin Udall:"You make me want to be a better man."


Lt. Cmdr. Krissoff could not be here tonight, because he will soon deploy to Iraq, where he will help save America's wounded warriors and uphold the legacy of his fallen son.


I am an open system and I accept every topics. That is Phil.


The only good men left in Panama City are you and me.


For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith.


My name is Miss Helen kassala , I am single girl looking for honest and nice person.


Onceour buswereblocked indark Finnish forest for1.5 hours, and once our luggage is locked in the bus stationfor a whole night in Kiruna, but finally we survived and came back to Stockholm.


Arguably the most expensive example of ephemera ever to sell is a poster by Toulouse Lautrec for the Moulin Rouge, which was sold by a gallery in 1999 for $250,000 – although some would insist that this piece really falls under the category of fine art rather than ephemera.


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The somatic cell count of goat milk is higher than that of cow and sheep milk due to its apocrine secretory system.


Third, based on the example of over proof on-load loss in 180MVA/220kV power transformer, the eddy loss in winding is analyzed with the leakage flux element software. Some conclusions with practical use are given. In order to reduce the load loss, primarily we should reduce radial leakage flux of transformer possibily.


The inkstones are the traditional famous specialities of China.

摘 要 砚台是我国的传统名特产品。