英语人>网络例句>好人 相关的搜索结果


与 好人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When a good man is hurt,all who would be called good must suffer withhim.——Euripides


You're okay, she's okay, everything's gonna be hunky...


It symbolizes the bad guys kneeling on the nightside, good standing yang side, the bad guys in the dark, the good guys in the light of.


It's not easy to be a good person, at least not all of the time.


Niki defends herself by throwing DL in Paulette's face, but Paulette insists that "DL is a good man." Niki has evidence to the contrary.


As the good is, so also is the sinner: as the perjured, so he also that sweareth truth.


But let us return: the problem of the other origin of the "good," of the good as conceived by the man of ressentiment, demands its solution.

十三 言归正传,关于"好人"观念的另外一个起源,也就是仇恨者想像出来的那种好人,这个问题出需要有一个解。

The key of enterprise competition is talent competition, good people management and using right people is an important factor for the enterprises.


In American politics it always helps to beable to projectan image of warmth and approachableness; PresidentBush, forinstance, is adept at making voters think he is a regularguy,the sort of fellow anyone would feel comfortable havingdinnerwith.


All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclea to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sier; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.

9:2 凡临到众人的事,都是一样。义人和恶人,都遭遇一样的事。好人,洁净人和不洁净人,献祭的与不献祭的,也是一样。好人如何,罪人也如何。起誓的如何,怕起誓的也如何。

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The somatic cell count of goat milk is higher than that of cow and sheep milk due to its apocrine secretory system.


Third, based on the example of over proof on-load loss in 180MVA/220kV power transformer, the eddy loss in winding is analyzed with the leakage flux element software. Some conclusions with practical use are given. In order to reduce the load loss, primarily we should reduce radial leakage flux of transformer possibily.


The inkstones are the traditional famous specialities of China.

摘 要 砚台是我国的传统名特产品。