英语人>网络例句>女巫的 相关的搜索结果


与 女巫的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He asked for a detailed account of the witch's doings, then said,"Let me ask you three questions, and at the stroke of midnight I'll go out and catch the witch and bring her back to you."


Although Sekhmet was in truth a enchantress of punish, she was not a mortuary enchantress .


Belladonna - Atropa Belladonna is known as Nightshade or the "witch's plant," The Greek Thessalian witches combine Belladonna root with wine to make powerful love drinks.


The quests for the witches can be performed in any order with one notable difference – if you complete Q12b.2 Earn Alvina's before Q12b.1 Earn Morla's trust there will be an trust, ambush awaiting you in the mansion M7(9) When you enter the mansion Firniane Danos' Firniane, girlfriend will sell you out as the supporter of the witches and a group of Inquisition soldiers will attack you.

赢得女巫的信任 Earn the witches' trust 12b.1 可以从女巫们的任一任务开始做起,不过,有一点要注意——如果在完成任务12b.1 赢 12b.2 得莫拉的信任前,做任务12b.2 赢得阿尔维娜的信任,那么,在你进入黑森林的庄园 M7(9)后,会遇到一场伏击。当你进入庄园,达诺斯的女友弗妮安会告发你是女巫的支持者,宗教裁判所的士兵们就会攻击你。

Belladonna - Atropa Belladonna is known as Nightshade or the "witch's plant," The Greek Thessalian witches combine Belladonna root with wine to make powerful love drinks.


In 1486 the Dominicans Kramer and Sprengler used similar tracts to justify the Malleus Maleficarum ("Hammer of the Witches") that led to three centuries of persecution of "witches".


Cinderella Skeleton Located what the witch required: A jack-o'- lantern: fiery-eyed; Six rats a trap held locked inside; Two bats asleep in wings wrapped tight; A cat as black as moonless night— Exactly as the witch desired.


A Witch is defined how he or she lives, not by what they call themselves. Lying, cheating, violence, threatening, stealing, etc., are not the Wiccan Way.


The town did not awake; or, if it did, the drowsy slumberers mistook the cry either for something frightful in a dream, or for the noise of witches; whose voices, at that period, were often heard to pass over the settlements or lonely cottages, as they rode with Satan through the air.


For answer she spread the newspaper on the table in front of them and pointed at ten black-and-white photographs that filled the whole of the front page, nine showing wizards' faces and the tenth, a witch's.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
