英语人>网络例句>奥地利 相关的搜索结果


与 奥地利 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is partly because of the attention given to the restitution battles over his work and the prices paid for those restituted.

部分原因是,人们开始关注关于克利姆特作品的所偿还斗争,以及偿还所造成的代价。2006年,在经历了多年的诉讼之后,克利姆特的五幅油画作品由维也纳美景宫博物馆(Vienna's Belvedere museum)归还于克利姆特的继承人,而这些画曾由两位奥地利犹太收藏家费迪南与阿黛尔?

This is partly because of the attention given to the restitution battles over his work and the prices paid for those restituted. In 2006, after years of litigation, five paintings by Klimt once owned by Ferdinand and Adele Bloch-Bauer, two Austrian-Jewish collectors who were the painter's contemporaries, were returned to their heirs by Vienna's Belvedere museum.

部分原因是,人们开始关注关于克利姆特作品的所偿还斗争,以及偿还所造成的代价。2006年,在经历了多年的诉讼之后,克利姆特的五幅油画作品由维也纳美景宫博物馆(Vienna's Belvedere museum)归还于克利姆特的继承人,而这些画曾由两位奥地利犹太收藏家费迪南与阿黛尔·布洛赫鲍尔(Adele Bloch-Bauer)拥有,他们也是画家同时代的人。

Snow rimes the classic dome- and spire-studded skyline of Salzburg, Austria.


Snow rimes the classic dome- and spire-studded skyline of Salzburg, Austria.


Snow rimes the classic dome- and spire-studded skyline of Salzburg, Austria.


Snow rimes the classic dome- and spire-studded skyline of Salzburg, Austria.


In November 1943 plans were approved for the conversion of all surviving R-1's into TACAM R-1s but the proposed design proved obsolescent while still on the drawing board resulting in its cancellation. In March 1945 eleven R-1's were scrounged from training centres and cavalry depots and sent to bolster the 2nd Armoured Regiment during operations in Czechoslovakia and Austria, with at least two still extant as late as April when they participated in the attack on Bratislava.

1943年11月,军方计划将所有现存的R-1改装成TACAM R-1自行火炮,但该方案还在设计图版上时就被认为是过时的产品,所以最后也是不了了之。1945年3月,罗马尼亚人倾其所能从训练场和骑兵仓库等地方凑集了最后11辆R-1坦克配发给第二装甲团并参加了捷克斯洛伐克和奥地利的战斗,至少在4月时还有2辆参加了进攻布拉迪斯拉伐的战斗。

With these clues, shuttling between the Bond Austria, Italy and South America and other places.


Novelist and playwright Elfriede Jelinek(1946-) becomes the first Austrian Nobel Laureate of Literature in 2004 "for her musical flow of voices and counter-voices in novels and plays that with extraordinary zeal reveal the absurdity of society' s cliches and their subjugating power."

小说家和剧作家埃尔弗丽德·耶利内克(Elfriede Jelinek,1946-)是奥地利首位获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家。2004年,她因&在她的小说和戏剧中,声音和与之相对抗的声音构成一条音乐的河流,以独特的语言激情揭露了社会庸常中的荒谬与强权&而获得该年度诺贝尔文学奖。

It is dated from the 1890s and has the Austrian wire swivels.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
