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The missiles are intended for launch to a general location where their guidance systems take over and spot carriers for attack with warheads intended to neutralize the ships' threat by destroying aircraft on decks, launching gear and control towers, Giarra said.


Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.


One type of students are those who are short of study motion. This type of students can be divided into four situation. That is the contradiction between demands and realities, the repound after pressure, they have ever been defeated, they negate the value of study, Another type of students are those whose knowledge is not enough. Their previous knowledge can't catch up with the teaching demands of a vocational school. The third type of students are those who have no suitable study methods and good learning habits. The fourth type of students are the synthesis of all above.


SPSS cluster analysis and CANOCO ordination method were applied to discuss the relationship between vegetation and its environmental factors in the west slope of Helan Mountain. The results show that the vegetation community can be divided into three types, namely Salsola passerina-Reaumuria soongorica community, Stipa breviflora-Stipa grandis community and Prunus mongolica-Ulmus glaucescens community.


The present invention provides a container comprising: a semi-enclosed container body including a tubular structure having two open ends and a bottom panel enclosing one end of the container body, the other end of the tubular structure opposite from the bottom panel forming a substantially continuous outwardly-extending peripheral flange; a lid for selectively converting the semi-enclosed container to a closed container; and a closure means for sealing the lid to the container body, the closure means comprising a mechanical interlocking seal and a slideable mechanical closure for sealing the mechanical interlocking seal.


The conception, studied objects and basic constituents of non-Smith strata are elaborated from theory level: Non-Smithian strata are the strata that have undergone mixing of different degrees, thus were deformed, metamorphosed and displaced into disorder totally or partially. They are the disorder parts in orogenic belts. Melange is the solo studied object of non- Smithian stratigraphy. The slices in melange is one of the basic constituents of non- Smithian strata, and also one of the basic units in the non-Smithian mapping. The slices used in this paper refer to blocks divided by small-scale tectonic boundaries and have certain constitutes. Superslices used in this paper refer to a set of slice association with similar tectonic deformation bounded by large-scale tectonic mixing.

从理论上阐述了非史密斯地层的概念、研究对象和基本构件:非史密斯地层(non-Smithian strata)是指那些经历过不同程度的混杂建造,并经历了变位,变形、变质,全部无序或部分无序的地层,主要指造山带地层中的无序部分;混杂岩是非史密斯地层的唯一研究对象;混杂岩中的构造岩片是非史密斯地层基本构件之一,亦是非史密斯地层和地质填图基本单位之一,岩片是指以构造拼合边界所分割的具有一定物质构成的地质体;物质建造形成于同一大的构造旋回期(如晋宁期、加里东期、海西期等)、亲源关系密切、大致经历了相似变形、变质历程的一套岩片组合体被称之为超岩片。

An experiment on forming of cross-hatch on the ablation material surface has been done under the condition of Mach 5 and tur-bulent boundary layer regime.Artifitial disturbances created by randomly setting several pins along a line perpendiculer to the flow direction have shown stochastical character of local cross-hatch and independence of global orderly structure,therefore the pattern appeared fractal behavior.

在外流M=5湍流边界层状态下,模型为170×300mm ̄2蜂蜡平板上进行了烧蚀花纹图案生成的实验研究,通过实验证明了人工安置干扰源并不影响烧蚀材料表面花纹的有序结构,对大面积烧蚀花纹的分析表明,局部花纹结构具有随机性质,因此烧蚀花纹具有分形结构的特性,用分形方法可以大致模拟花纹生成图案。

The transpersonal chakra is said to be located about 4-5 fingers above the head.


Pigs would make an excellent addition to a farm for pasture renovation. Pigs can be extremely rough on pasture. Why not use unrung pigs on poor pasture instead of a plow?


In terms ofcardiovascular fitness you are below par for your age and weight. By


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
