英语人>网络例句>大理石 相关的搜索结果


与 大理石 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They are cement, quartz, feldspar, calcite, gypsum, limestone, dolomite, graphite, fluorite, aedelforsite, phosphate ore, fused calciummagnesium phosphate, carbamide, electrolytic manganese metal, ferromanganese, coal, gangue, slag, zirconium, steatite, granite, orthoclase, marble, barytes, ceramics, glass, etc.

适用范围Application 主要适用于建材、化工、冶金、矿山、火电、煤炭等行业粉磨莫氏硬度在9.3级以下,湿度在6%以下的各种非易燃易爆矿产物料,成品细度可在30~400目任意调节。例如水泥、石英、长石、方解石、石膏、石灰石、白云石、石墨、萤石、硅灰石、磷矿石、钙镁磷肥、煤、煤矸石、矿渣、锆英砂、滑石、花岗岩、钾长石、大理石、重晶石、陶瓷、玻璃等千余种物料粉磨加工。

It can grind high, middle and low hardness materials whose Moth Hardness is below 9.5 class, such as clinker, cement, quartz, feldspar, calcite, gypsum, limestone, dolomite, graphite, fluorite, aedelforsite, phosphate ore, fused calcium magnesium phosphate, carbamide, electrolytic manganese metal, ferromanganese, coal, gangue, slag, zirconium, steatite, granite, orthoclase, marble, barites, ceramics, glass, etc.


"It was a Venetian scene, with a perfectly splendid marble palazzo."


Some of Ms Borman's most engaging writing describes Henrietta's circle of friends—poets, writers and wits such as Lord Chesterfield and Horace Walpole—and the pleasure they all took in the design of her Palladian villa, Marble Hill at Twickenham.


Visions of gentlemen in crisp white suits playing cards, amidst background strains of piano music and cocktail ice clanking, are almost palpable in this Gatsbyesque setting of grand Palladian windows and polished marble floors.


This marble border has borders top and bottom, and panelling, carved in it.


It holds significant collections of art and archaeology, including works by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Turner, and Picasso, as well as treasures such as the Scorpion Macehead, the Parian Marble and the Alfred Jewel.


The broad pavement in front shone pale also; it gleamed as if some spell had transformed the dark granite to glistening Parian.


The ancient Greeks recognized marble's durability, using it to build the Parthenon in Athens.


The Parthenon is a temple of white marble.


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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
