英语人>网络例句>大写 相关的搜索结果


与 大写 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Write your name and address in capitals.


In 1928 and 1929, the society adopted a bend sinister gules, a type of diagonal red line borrowed from heraldry. The bend was dropped after 1930, following the introduction of a crest bearing the face of a cyclops and the Hebrew inscription , meaning Anak, both affixed to a capital letter T.

至 1929 年间,他们用了一条红色的诡异的曲线,该曲线是源于纹章学中的一种红色对角线。1930 年后,该曲线被弃用,取而代之的是一个独眼巨人面的纹饰,同时还配有希伯来文,以表示阿纳,两个标志都附加着大写字母 T。

From its founding in 1908 to 1927, the society identified itself only by the name "Anak" or "Anak Society". In 1928 and 1929, the society adopted a bend sinister gules, a type of diagonal red line borrowed from heraldry. The bend was dropped after 1930, following the introduction of a crest bearing the face of a cyclops and the Hebrew inscription , meaning Anak, both affixed to a capital letter T.

从1908年建立到1927年,该协会仅用&阿纳&或&阿纳协会&来代表自己。1928至1929年间,他们用了一条红色的诡异的曲线,该曲线是源于纹章学中的一种红色对角线。1930年后,该曲线被弃用,取而代之的是一个独眼巨人面的纹饰,同时还配有希伯来文,以表示阿纳,两个标志都附加着大写字母 T 。

DEFINITION-NAME in upper-case, mono-spaced, bold-face letters


Petronius in his Satyricon mentions them:"There on the left as one entered…was a huge dog with a chain round its neck. It was painted on the wall and over it, in big capitals, was written: Beware of the Dog."


Older typefaces designs consider the same height for the ascenders and the capital letters.


Some commonly agreed findings of legibility research include: text set in lower case is more legible than text set all in upper case, presumably because lower case letter structures and word shapes are more distinctive, having greater saliency with the presence of extenders (ascenders, descenders and other projecting parts); regular upright type is found to be more legible that italics, contrast, without dazzling brightness, has also been found to be important, with black on yellow/cream being most effective; positive images are easier to read than negative or reversed; the upper portions of letters play a stonger part than the lower portions in the recognition process; legibility is compromised by letterspacing, word spacing and leading that are too tight or too loose.

在易读性研究方面达成的共识包括:小写字母的文本要比全大写字母的文本易读,大致是由于小写字母的结构和词语形状更容易区分,特征更明显——带有延展性的笔画(ascenders上伸笔画, descenders下伸笔画、以及其他的伸展性笔画部件);标准体字形的易读性要优于斜体;对比很重要——不要用那些耀眼的发光效果;在黄色/奶油色底上使用黑色文字最有效;阳文要比阴文易读;在识别过程中,字母的上部形状要比下部形状发挥更重要的作用;字母间距、词间距和行间距太密集或太松散也会降低易读性。

Some commonly agreed findings of legibility research include: text set in lower case is more legible than text set all in upper case, presumably because lower case letter structures and word shapes are more distinctive, having greater saliency with the presence of extenders (ascenders, descenders and other projecting parts); regular upright type is found to be more legible that italics, contrast, without dazzling brightness, has also been found to be important, with black on yellow/cream being most effective; positive images are easier to read than negative or reversed; the upper portions of letters play a stonger part than the lower portions in the recognition process; legibility is compromised by letterspacing, word spacing and leading that are too tight or too loose.

在易读性研究方面达成的共识包括:小写字母的文本要比全大写字母的文本易读,大致是由于小写字母的结构和词语形状更容易区分,特征更明显——带有延展性的笔画(ascenders上伸笔画, descenders下伸笔画、以及其他的伸展性笔画部件);标准体字形的易读性要优于斜体;对比很重要——不要有那些耀眼的发光效果;在黄色/奶油色底上使用黑色文字最有效;阳文要比阴文易读;在识别过程中,字母的上部形状要比下部形状发挥更重要的作用;字母间距、词间距和行间距太密集或太松散也会降低易读性。

Its name is always capitalized, like the Constitution of the United States or the Magna Carta.


Then she stared at the large poster of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, and, listlessly lolling, scribbled on the jotter sixteens and capital esses.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
