英语人>网络例句>大使的 相关的搜索结果


与 大使的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These rules are used to devise official policies on particular subjects, such as the notability of pornographic stars (a Playboy appearance earns you a Wikipedia mention; starring in a low-budget movie does not) or diplomats (permanent chiefs of station are notable, while chargés d'affaires ad interim are not).


On 19 April,also at the invitation of the AFDC,former Chinese ambassadors to South Korea,India,Vietnam and Kazakhstan gave lectures to over 100 Chinese entrepreneurs attending the forum.


Minister Plenipotentiary , usually referred to as Minister , is head of state Head of State sent to the host countries the second highest level of diplomatic representation, level after the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary , but the real status, duties, and enjoyed diplomatic privileges and immunities with the Ambassador the same ...


John Everard, British ambassador to Pyongyang until last year, told the conference, organised by western embassies in Seoul, that he had visited a new hydroelectric power station in the North.


His anger at what he sees as a gratuitous insult will never be assuaged, The Tuscan ambassador attempts to intercede on Galileo's behalf, There are the usual pleasantries and diplomatic folderol, and then the ambassador says the name.


His father had been our ambassador at Madrid when Isabella was young and Prim unthought of, but had retired from the diplomatic service in a capricious moment of annoyance on not being offered the Embassy at Paris, a post to which he considered that he was fully entitled by reason of his birth, his indolence, the good English of his dispatches, and his inordinate passion for pleasure.


When the Soviet ambassador to the U.N. refused to deny the charge, U.S. ambassador Adlai Stevenson confronted him with these photos of missile sites taken by the high-flying spy plane, the U-2, and the Soviets were compelled to back down.

当苏联驻联合国大使否认指控时,美国大使Adlai Stevenson用一些U2高空侦察机拍摄的导弹地点照片反驳了他,接着苏联人败下阵来。

The ass bypassed the gu ard and assassinated the sur passing ambassador in the em bassy.

笨人绕过警卫在大使馆中刺杀了优秀的大使 749。

Mr. Gary Wong, CBS 2009 graduate and one of the past Student Ambassadors, is sharing his experience on winning the Hong Kong Master of Ceremony Competition to Student Ambassadors.


Ambassador Chowdhury is the recipient of the U Thant Peace Award and the UNESCO Gandhi Gold Medal for Culture of Peace. In March 2003, the Soka University of Tokyo, Japan, conferred on him an Honorary Doctorate for his work on women's issues, child rights and culture of peace as well as for the strengthening of the United Nations. Ambassador Chowdhury has been decorated by the Government of Burkina Faso with the country's highest honour "L'Ordre Nacionale" on 18 June 2007 in Ouagadougou for his championship of the cause of the most vulnerable countries.

乔杜里大使是乌坦和平奖的获得者,及联合国科教文组织甘地和平文化金奖获得者。2003年3月,日本东京创价大学因他在妇女问题,儿童权利,和平文化及加强联合国实力方面所作的贡献,授予他荣誉博士学位。2007年6月18日,因乔杜里大使在最脆弱国家事业上所作的杰出贡献,布基纳法索政府在首都瓦加杜古,授予他国家最高荣誉&国家级别&(& L ' Ordre Nacionale &)勋章。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
