英语人>网络例句>大使的 相关的搜索结果


与 大使的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lord, the American Ambassador in China, to participate an exchange plan. In September 1987, Mr. Li went to America again for his master degree. In June 1989, Mr. Li attained his master degree on International Finance from Brandes University. As an analysis of Acadian Investment Management Company, Mr. Li started his investment management practice in 1990. In March 1991, Mr. Li was employed by the famous Wall Street Investment Bank and the Brother Braun Corporation as senior analysis in investment strategy department, analyzing and researching investment strategy. In September 1995, Mr. Li was appointed by the Oppenheimer Funds and responsible for the global stock investment.


The French ambassador an ambiguous reply be full of ambition an ambitious man emergency ambulance amend a document an amiable smile amid warm applause among the crowd amount insured ample evidence power amplifier amplify the signal The story amuses me.


Visitors, including captains of industry, ambassadors and politicians, are no doubt impressed by the man's collection of Georgian antiques and his elegant 24-carat gilded Regency chiffonier bookcase, with its marble top and silk-lined shelves holding first-edition books.


The exiled party joined the barbarians, and proceeded to plunder those in the city by sea and land; and the Epidamnians, finding themselves hard pressed, sent ambassadors to Corcyra beseeching their mother country not to allow them to perish, but to make up matters between them and the exiles, and to rid them of the war with the barbarians.

被驱逐的政党加入了外族,从海上陆地上劫掠城里的人; Epidamnian 人发现他们受到重压,派遣大使到 Corcyra岛,恳求他的母国不要让他们消亡,调解他们和被驱逐者之间的纠纷,停止他们和外族之间的战争。

On Moon Lake Lodge\'s restaurant menu were French-fried potatoes, prepared by Crum in the standard, thick-cut French style that was popularized in France in the 1700s and enjoyed by Thomas Jefferson as ambassador to that country.

在月光湖小屋餐馆菜单上的法国油煎的土豆,是由Crum按照标准制作的,与18世纪法国大使Thomas Jefferson所享用的那种法国样式一样,采用厚实的传统切法。

Your diarist, along with a former British ambassador to Moscow, is put in front of 100-odd international relations students who ask well-informed, difficult questions in perfect English.


Respect that they deserve, they will all return in the company of the Elohim at the Embassy that we


Gillian's fifty-plus Broadway and West End shows include Tonight at Eight, Once Upon a Time, The Match Girls, Tomfoolery, Jeeves Takes Charge, Cabaret, The Roar of the Greasepaint, Pickwick, How Now Dow Jones, Collages, The Ambassador, The Card, Phil The Fluter, Hans Christian Andersen, The Yeoman of the Guard, My Fair Lady, Songbook, Dick Whittington and The Phantom of the Opera.


The other seats were taken by: Nasser al-Qudwa, Mr Arafat's nephew and a former PLO ambassador to the UN; Saeb Erekat, a PLO negotiator with Israel; Mohammed Shtiyyeh, the PA housing minister; Hussein al-Sheikh, the Fatah secretary-general; Othman al-Gharbiyeh, the congress chairman; and Mohammed al-Madani, the governor of Bethlehem.

其他的席位被阿拉法特的侄子、前巴解组织驻联合国大使,Nasser al-Qudwa,和以色列谈判的巴解组织的谈判专家Saeb Erekat,以色列建设部长Mohammed Shtiyyeh,法塔赫秘书长Hussein al-Sheikh,大会主席Othman al-Gharbiyeh和伯利恒的长官Mohammed al-Madani。

Among Ms von Habsburg's six siblings, her younger sister Walpurga is a leading conservative politician in Sweden; her brother Georg is an ambassador-at-large for Hungary.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
