英语人>网络例句>多群 相关的搜索结果


与 多群 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mannose receptor distributes extensively in vivo,which is expressed mostly on the surface of macrophage and immature dendritic cell.


Our projections were based on the successful launch of Manx products through Gordon Brown outlets.

本课主题 Management Themes 阅读下面关于一项出了问题的投资报告读后请讨论后面的问题机密报告关于收购戈登布朗有限公司事宜背景材料两年前戈登布朗有限公司被以 250 万英镑的价格收购戈登布朗有限公司是英格兰东北部一家专营办公家具的家庭公司曼克斯办公设备公司认为收购戈登布朗公司是在该地区扩大顾客数量的一种有效途径结果两年后戈登布朗的经营仍未盈利去年亏损 25 万英镑尽管进行了大量改进并彻底转变了管理方式该公司所拥有的顾客数量和业务量还是逐步下降分析我们已找出下列原因 1 戈登布朗在本地区是一个家庭公司的形象改进不仅改变了公司的上层管理也改变了公司的特点顾客对改进后的公司缺乏认识 2 戈登布朗的产品主要是传统的办公家具面是曼克斯办公设备却属于现代风格系列没有制定明晰的产品战略来促销这两种风格迥异的产品结论更多请进大家学习网http://club.topsage.com 1 2 若我们的目标旨在扩大英格兰东北部的顾客群我们早该考虑到戈登布朗公司顾客们的需求若我们想改变公司面貌使其开始盈利我们必须在今后更加关注消费者需求 1 1 讨论问题若你当初处在曼克斯公司的位置你怎样对待这次收购 2。

Although the GDP that electronic business affairs brings is not much, but also created a lot of young shopkeepers, although you are for the market sincere letter, also do not have necessary so will strangle this group of people, of your policy come on stage, make how many person unemployed.!


Mass man, they say, is on the increase. Conformity,standardization, similarity -- all on a cheap and vulgar level -- are replacing the great American ideas of colorful liberty and dignified individualism.


The Great Cultural Revolution " the society that create is queasy the opportunity that allowed a lot of youths to lose matriculate,"But I went up society this university , this lets a boy of more than 20 years old look clinking maturity, such, although he wants to supervise a flock of workers of 449 years old, he also won't feel cowardly.


Aiming at solving the difficulty of obtaining objective date on information security,this paper proposes an information security risk evaluation method based on fuzzy matrix and group decison.


In rare cases,an ironclad mauler will assume leadership of a pack of dire bears,pushing even the ferocious dire bears into crueler and more violent activities.


Experimental results show MCH algorithm is robust, efficient, and versatile, quite suitable for large-scale problem, especially with large number of pins.


More information is needed on variation within populations, particularly in mericarp morphology, to assess the status of the awnless species of Sida , as there are indications that awned and awnless mericarps can occur on the same plant, thereby suggesting a possible reduction in species numbers.

更多的信息被在居群内在变化上需要,特别是在分果爿形态学方面,评价Sida的awnless种的地位,éveill é作arvensis那些Scrophulariaceae Merrill(花期,看见中国18: 86.1998)。

Besides civilian residents' stilt style village, elaborated cover bridges and drum towers, village gate, well and alcove, diet and garments, marriage customer and festival, Duoye (Dong ethnic minority's group singing and dancing), Dong kuan (Dong's traditional organization), mill wheel irrigating, rice farming and agriculture, ecological environment with varieties , rich atmosphere of Dong ethnic minority shape its ethnical styles, cultures by beautiful scenic spots.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
