英语人>网络例句>多群 相关的搜索结果


与 多群 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He did mention that they are looking for more of a customer service person over a general gamer for the GM position.


Based on the relationship between the structure and function, a lot of research have been performed on predicting base-pair which is indispensable to the RNA three-dimensional strcutrue. The tools and methods in Combinatorics and Statistics will play important roles in studying linear sequences of biomolocular units . Similarly, we can present the geometric representation of biological sequences and structures. So the genometric topology and group theory are important also.


Exposure time 15 minutes per group of 10-12 gilts.


The GKS stability theorem for one-dimensional model of hyperbolic initial and boundary value problem, Trefethen's explanation and extension based on the concept of group velocity are generalized firstly. Another possible high-frequency instability mechanism in numerical realization of MTF is pointed out based on his explanation and extension, namely, coupling effect of outgoing harmonic wave along one direction and node motion in the other directions can reverse the energy propagation in multi-dimensional discrete grids.


Other Less Common Symptoms: A whole cluster of other symptoms appear during this infection, including progressive loss of hearing : that is, a gradually increasing deafness in older people (probably sensorineural hearing loss ); in younger people, a subtle loss of hearing acuity is noticed, meaning that it becomes a little more difficult to identifying environmental sounds, and more difficult to sensing their exact location; increased tinnitus ; sense of balance becoming noticeably less acute; dizziness spells; hoarse voice due to persistent throat soreness,(or possibly due to connective tissue damage in the larynx); chronic white tongue coating (called geographic tongue or migratory glossitis); red eyes (mild conjunctivitis, aka: pinkeye); infection of the urethra ; viral headache; eczema / psoriasis; large area of red greasy skin on the chest, just below the neck; increased hair loss; cold hands and feet; slow wound healing; weight gain on stomach; kidney pains ; joint pains; muscle cramps , especially in the calf muscles; sudden episodes of racing heart and heart palpitations; acute pericarditis; aseptic meningitis; reduced attention and concentration; forgetting words, losing some of your vocabulary, suddenly having more difficulty in spelling words and remembering information; frequently selecting incorrect words while talking (and strangely, sometimes selecting a word which is incorrect, but from the same category as the right word for example, saying "pun" when you meant to say "irony" both are in the same category of literary devices).


Actually, C still has a GOTO statement, but its functionality is limited and it is only recommended as a last resort if structured solutions are much more complicated.


This paper introduces the strategy of system design for GrIS,its functions,the system structure and the implement technology in detail.To take account of the requirements of the tasks,procedures and manners of interpretation,the design of GrIS has integrated some techniques including image processing,graphics,computer network and multimedia.


The research on multi-direction computation is based on and supported by the group theory and the graph theory.


Fruit baccate; endocarp membranous or fleshy; seeds without endosperm; flowers bisexual or bisexual and male; stamens at least 2 × as many as petals or rarely fewer; functional gynoecium 2- to many loculed, syncarpous

果浆果状;内果皮膜或者肉;没有胚乳的种子;花两性或两性和男性;雄蕊至少2 *更少的花瓣或很少的同数;职能雌蕊群2-到多室,合心皮 14

Alexander Litovchenko 's 1875 painting depicting Ivan IV of Russia seated in the Kremlin Armoury , his half-witted heir Fyodor standing behind, a group of distrustful boyars whispering at a distance, and the Tsar's jester in a skomorokh cap addressing the English diplomat Jerome Horsey .


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
