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与 多群 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But when Jeff Dauber, a senior executive in the laptop computer division of Apple, tries it in his San Francisco home, he feels even more risqué. The shaven-headed, tattooed Mr.


In Florida, a robbery in broad daylight with robbers hitting an armored vehicle and making off with more than one million dollars in cash.


The 3-color cytometry can be successfully used to characterize the subsets of immune cells in decidua and periphery blood.


This paper presents an interactive method for a multiple attribute group decision making problem with incomplete information.


I know how to hurt I know how to kill I know what to show And what to conceal I know when to talk And I know when to touch No one ever die from wanting to much The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love People like us Know how to survive There's no point in living If you can't feel the life We know when to kiss And we know when to kill If we can't have it all Then nobody will The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love I - I feel sick I - I feel scared I - I feel ready I - And yet unprepared The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love The world is not enough The world is not enough

今天和一群人看了加勒比海盗2,天哪,那个盗版DVD翻译的字幕实在太差了。害得我剧情都没有理解清楚,只知道大概就是那个"章鱼男"要和主人公们抢一个心脏。其中一位在我身边的观众估计是第1部没有看,居然当最后一幕巴博萨船长出现时,奇怪的问道:这是谁啊?我晕,估计他也懒得补看第一部了。看不懂剧情挺遗憾,不过我无所谓,反正我把这片定义为视觉大餐而已,没想一定要弄懂什么剧情。从全片角度来看看来"加勒比海盗"要走"黑客帝国"、"星球大战"的路线--第一集试探市场反应,第二集留个悬念,第三集大收尾。整个续集来看,除了又两段搞笑成分较浓的动作戏外,没感觉什么新意了。影片前半部分的那段丛林戏,跟"金刚"几乎是一摸一样。同时看过这两部电影的人不知会作何感想。表演上还算到位,Johnny Deep的表现最为出色,就是暂时不知道最后一集他怎么出场。两部加勒比海盗的配乐都相当出色,颇有"角斗士"的味道。视觉大片而已嘛,不计较太多,看看而已,一笑而过。。。

It turned out more disasterous that, as time went by, Jack's party prevailed and more boys joined them.


Moreover, we prove that the discriminability remains the same no matter the projection vector is calculated from the original MR volumes or from the smoothed ones.


On the eastern plateau platform, haplotype A was commonly fixed in the current disjunct populations, suggesting a common postglacial recolonization and a following founder effect.


In HeLa cells trasnfected with GFP-BGLF4 expressing plasmids, cells were sorted into two groups with various levels of BGLF4 expression by FACS. We found that these two populations of cells display dramatically different cell cycle profile.


Doctrinally, puritans adhered to the five points of Calvinism as codified at the synod of dort in 1619:1 unconditional election: the idea that God had decreed at the synod of damned and who was saved from before the beginning of the world;2 limited atonement: the idea that christ died for the elect only;3 total depravity: humanity's utter corruption since the fall;4 irresistible grace: regeneration as entirely a work of God, which cannot be re3sisted and to which the sinner contributes nothing;5 the perseverance of the saints: the elect, despite their backsliding and faintness of heart, cannot fall away from grace.

从教义上说,清教徒遵循加尔文派于1619年多特宗教会议上制定的五条信条:1)无条件拣选:神没有任凭人在罪中灭亡,而是在创世以前就拣选了一群人旅行拯救; 2)有限救赎:基督的死只是为了特定数目的选民而死; 3)完全堕落:自从亚当偷吃善恶果后,整个人类都堕落了;4)不可抗拒的恩典:圣灵的能力在罪人心里运行,一直到他认罪悔改方休;5)圣徒的坚守:圣徒是神所挑选的,无论他们如何退步,始终在神的感召下。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
