英语人>网络例句>多群 相关的搜索结果


与 多群 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These results, together with our previous study, suggested that, similar to the observation in the most Mendelian monogenic disorders, a complex disease may be caused by a spectrum of different mutations in a gene .

这些结果再次证明了我们的假说,在同一种多基因病中,可能存在着不同的亚群,不同的亚群可能由同一个基因不同位点的SNP 变异所引起。

These results were similar to the observation in the most Mendelian monogenic disorders, in which a spectrum of different mutations in a gene caused a disease.

这些结果表明,在同一种多基因病中,可能存在着不同的亚群,不同的亚群可能由同一个基因不同位点的SNP 变异所引起,也可能由不同的主效基因的SNP 变异引起。

We demonstrate that the Six2-expressing cap mesenchyme represents a multipotent nephron progenitor population.


He described that 4-5 Sandhill Cranes were feeding together with more than two hundreds Hooded Cranes.


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Small size, short life cycle, self-pollination, and high seed number, andfavorable genetic traits such as self-fertilization, a small genome, efficienttransformation, and mutagenesis.

本文采用RAPD 技术分析了盐芥居群的遗传多样性,从400 余个随机引物中筛选出了23 个扩增性强、重复性好、带型明显、多态性高的引物对盐芥居群进行分析。

All evidences from both phenetic classification and cladistic classification demonstrated that the matsutake group is a polyphyletic group and Tricholoma nauseosum, T. matsutake and T. matsutake var. formosa come from one line of descent; T. focale, T. robustum and T. fulvocastaneum are closely related; T. zelleri, T. aurantium, T. caligatum var. nardosmia formed a clade. The result also suggested Dollo parsimony criterion was more suitable for phylogenetic reconstruction of the matsutake group based on morphological characters than the other two criterions.

在数量分类学研究中,通过表征分类和支序分类的研究得出结论如下:松口蘑群是一个多系群,北欧口蘑、松口蘑(T.matsutake)和松口蘑台湾变种(T.matsutake var.formosana)比较接近,羽衣口蘑、粗壮口蘑和黄褐口蘑(T.fulvocastaneum)也比较接近,泽氏口蘑、金黄口蘑(T.aurantium)和欧洲口蘑松香味变种(T.caligatum var.nardosmia)来自一个谱系。

Anastomosis group identification and 5.8S rDNA-internal transcribed spacer sequence analysis showed that the isolates belonged to multinucleate Rhizoctonia AG1-IA, AG1-IB, AG4-HG-I, AG-5 and WAG-Z and binucleate Rhizoctonia AG-A and AG-Ba.

融合群测定及5.8S rDNA-ITS区序列分析结果表明,这些菌株分别属于多核丝核菌的AG1-IA、AG1-IB、AG4-HG-I、AG-5、WAG-Z融合群及双核丝核菌的AG-A、AG-Ba融合群。

In this study 24 cpSSR primer pairs were screened, and four pairs were found producing DNA fragment length polymorphism from the tested populations of Castanea mollissima.


NJ cluster analysis indicated that subclass Mysticeti is a monophyly whereas subclass Odontoceti is a polyphyly, including Delphinoidea, Physeteroidea, Ziphioidea and Platanistoidea.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
