英语人>网络例句>多细胞植物 相关的搜索结果


与 多细胞植物 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gemmate are small dispersal units consisting of one to several cells, often forming disks, plates, or filaments.


The IDee applies biological science and technologies to the cosmetics. It makes special research of the active elements of the plant to enable them to function fully, which not only improved the security and efficiency of the cosmetics, but also broke the traditional way of skin care. It puts emphasis on growing, activating, repairing, regulating, and the nutrition in an all-round way, carries on multi-layer repairs to the skin through the growing of the cell and hypodermis. It establishes the new concept of biological skin care in the new century in a totally new way.


Scalariform thickening A type of secondary wall formation consisting of interlaced helical bands of thickening giving a ladderlike formation. It allows for very little further extension, and is found in tissues such as metaxylem tracheids and vessels, which do not elongate after maturation.


It is the first time that these phenomena were observed: Two nuclei are surrounded by plasma and locate at the central of the female gametophyte and the others nuclei are positioned at the fringe of the female gametophyte; Before the pollen tube enters the female gametophyte. the nuclei in chalazal end begin splitting of plasma and form multinuclear cell.4. The pollens of Gnetumc are spherical or applanate with single aperture. The ornamentation of exine is spine. The basis part of spine is lenience and the top part of spine is tip or obtuse sphere.

首次在买麻藤属植物的雌配子体中观察到2个游离核位于配子体的中央位置,且被一团原生质所包围的,其余的游离核位于边缘的现象以及花粉管进入雌配子体前,合点端的核已经发生胞质分裂形成多核细胞的现象 4、买麻藤的花粉近球形或扁平型,有单萌发孔,外壁表面具小刺状纹饰,小刺基部宽大,末端尖或钝圆。

For the above three materials, the largest number of somatic embryos per 100 calli was 127, 91 and 33 respectively.

上述3种植物材料每100块愈伤组织平均最多分别可产生127、91和33 个体细胞胚。

New antifungal agents have been developed over the past years based on the discovery of many new target sites of Candida albicands. For example, Echinocandins, aiming at the cell wall of Candida albicands, showed strong antifungal activities to fluconazole resistant candidas and fungal biofilm. Moreover, because β-glucan synthase does not exist on the cell membrane of mammalian cells, Echinocandins has a low toxicity and a promising clinical future. Though the mechanism of Histatin is not clear, it has strong activity not only on candida resistant of polyene and azole, but also to Candida parapsilosis, Candida krusei and Cry ptococcus neoformans. Berberine and Ocimum gratissimum L. were also found to have prominent anti-fungi activities.

近年来相继提出了许多抗白念珠菌药物作用的新靶点并成功开发出一些活性强大,疗效确切的抗真菌药,如以真菌细胞壁为靶点开发出棘白菌素类药物卡泊芬净、米卡芬净等,该类药物主要抑制β-葡聚糖合成酶,体外对氟康唑耐药的念珠菌属及真菌生物被膜表现出强大的抗菌活性,又由于β-葡聚糖合成酶在哺乳类动物细胞内不存在,故具有高效低毒的临床效果,是一极具前途的新型抗真菌药;以真菌细胞膜为靶点开发出Histatin类药物,虽然作用机制目前还不完全明了,但其作用不同于临床常用的多烯类和氮唑类,并已经发现Histatin5对两性霉素B和氮唑类耐药的念珠菌有效,并且对非白念珠菌如光滑念珠菌、克柔氏念株菌、隐球菌等也有杀灭作用;通过对植物药物的研究发现黄连素和丁香罗勒Ocimum gratissimum L。

While in Sect. Uniflos, leaf epidermal cells are usually irregular in shape, repand or sinuous in pattern of anticlinal wall, the stomata are anomocytic, and staurocytic, tetracytic, isotricytic besides.


G. one in Chlorella and Chlamydomonas and in most hornworts, two in Zygnema, and about one hundred in palisade mesophyll cells of leaves.


Hill-reservoir has a short retention time; its phytoplankton community was characterized by low abundance and no obviously dominant species. The zooplankton was predominated numerically by rotifer and nauplii.


The great bulk of the ribosomes of the plant cell are often detected as large aggregates of so-called polysomes.


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