英语人>网络例句>多型性 相关的搜索结果


与 多型性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study attempts to use the statistical techniques of multilevel confirmatory factor analysis to model the measurement of learning school. The analyses follow the four initial steps proposed by Muthèn: conventional CFA of total structure, estimation of between-group variation, estimation of within-group structure, and estimation of between-group structure.


Under the conditions of Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz type superlinear and odd duality, we show that the systems have at least one nontrivial solution and infinitely many solutions.


As an ideal prime immunization vaccine,the DNA vaccine has the advantages of high purity,continuous expression of antigens with low dose, repeatable immunization and inducement of memory CTL with high titer.Similarly, recombinant virus can not only highly express the target antigen,simulate the inducement process of virus infection on body immunity,and induce various cytokines,but also be beneficial to the interaction of high-affinity antibodies with T cell receptors,and the generation of Th1 reaction and CTL reaction.


Started from D-tyrosine, we obtained the tetramic acid 96 using Jouin reaction. The assembly of the second fragment 109 was stared from 1,4-butandiol,using asymmetric alkylation reaction developed by Oppolzer as a key step. Coupling of the tetramic acid 96 with 109 provided the key intermediate 110 according to Yoshii\'s procedure. After remove protective group and Sharpless epoxidation, we obtained the key intermediate 113. Its macrocyclization to form the final product is in progress.

本论文的第二章主要对Macrocidin A开展了合成工作,我们从D构型的酪氨酸出发,经过官能团转换;利用Jouin反应生成Tetramic acid 96,另外一个片断从1,4-丁二醇开始经过多步反应生成碘化物104,利用Oppolzer发展的手性樟脑磺酰胺为辅基参与的不对称烷基化反应,引入手性甲基,生成关键中间体109,接着通过Yoshii发展的方法连接96和109生成110,经过Sharpless不对称环氧化反应建立环氧化合物,然后脱去保护基得到关环前体113,分子内的Mitsunobu反应进行关大环反应正在进行之中。

Pneumoniae FH strain was cloned and the sequence was analysed by M13 DNA sequencing method. Comparing the PCR product sequcence with MP M-129 strain P1 gene, we found that there are 4 bases different. This may result from the different MP DNA templates. The maximum homology is 98.8%. The result confirmed the fidelity and specificity of the amplified target DNA segment by PCP, and suggested that two categories of MP P1 gene still exist a few differences even in the conservation region. The cloning MP DNA segment was labelled by random hexanucleotide priming, after hybridization, the probe detection was completed using an anti-digoxigenin antibody alkaline phosphatase conjugate, and the substrates 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate and nitro blue tetrazolium. This hybridization system is much superior to the radioactive probe hybridization, because it is safe, easy to handle and has no limitation of decay time. The time required for colormetic detection is also much less than the corresponding autoradiographic exposure time needed to achieve similar detection limits with 32P-labelled probes. The Dig-probes could be used repeatedly, and this made them not only much convenient to use, but also lower the cost, and worthwhile to be used popularly.

将PCR产物进行重组,并将阳性重组质粒,应用M13测序系统对产物进行DNA序列分析,并与MPM-129株P1基因核苷酸进行同源性比较,发现有4个位置的碱基发生了变化,其同源性为98.8%,证实了PCR所扩增DNA片段的准确性和特异性,同时也证实了不同MP组型的P1基因即使在保守区也存在着一定的差异,将克隆的目的DNA片段用异羟基洋地黄毒苷配基用随机引物法标记制备MP DNA探针,杂交后用碱性磷酸酶标记的抗Dig多克隆抗体与杂交体反应,再用BCIP和NBT呈色,制备MP DNA探针,鉴定所扩增片段的特异性,与同位素探针比较,Dig探针不受半衰期限制,可反复使用,而且价格低廉,值得推广使用。

There are several characters in our researches:(1) we study the relationship between karyotype polymorphism and sex chromosome in Elaphodus Cephalophus which only lives in China, and explore the mechanism of its sex chromosome evolution.


In the favorable inoculation season, the induction percentages of meristematic globules from flowers and embryogenic calli from scalps were 15~80% and 0~10% respectively, depending on the cultivars and incubation conditions.


Cerevisiae have found that bZIP proteins play a role in yeast anti-oxidation. at3g51960, the transcription factor found in plants, is highly homologous to that of yeast. To examine the in vivo role of at3g51960, the overexpression and silencing vectors were constructed respectively. By using flower dip-dye, the binary expression vectors, pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960 and pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960Promoter, as well as vectors pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960-GFP and pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960cDNA were transformed to Arabidopsis by Tumefaciens. The transgenetic homozygous Arabidopsis strains have been derived after screening. Analysis on these strains reveals that strains overexpressing at3g51960 gene have higher level of stress resistance, implying a role of at3g51960 in plant stress regulation.

酵母中发现了bZIP家族的转录因子与酵母的抗氧化性相关,植物中的转录因子at3g51960与酵母中的这一转录因子在空间结构上有很高的同源性,为了验证它在体内的功能,本实验构建了过量表达载体和沉默载体,利用花浸染法把农杆菌携带的双元表达载体,pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960,pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960 Promoter和pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960-GFP及pCAMBTA3301: at3g51960 cDNA转入拟南芥,通过多次筛选已经获得了转基因拟南芥的纯合植株,对获得的转基因植株的表型分析发现,在过量表达at3g51960的转基因拟南芥中对胁迫的抗性有一定程度的变化,因此推测at3g51960可能参与植物的抗性调节。

Behavior traits such as affability and obedience to human, fetch and retrieve, tug of war, fear and courage were tested in 204 two-month old puppies from 3 breeds (German Shepherd Dog, Labrador Retriever, English Springer Spaniel).


Seventeen genotypes of soft wheat were sown in three locations for two years to study the genetic variation of the water-soluble pentosans, water-insoluble pentosans, and total pentosans, to investigate the effects of genotype, environment and their interaction on pentosans, and to determine the relationships between pentosans and other quality parameters.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
