英语人>网络例句>多型性 相关的搜索结果


与 多型性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper,at first we transformed the nonlinear elliptic system of 2m first order equations into the complex form, then by use the results on the Riemann-Hilbert problem for nonlinear elliptic complex equation of first order, the method of continuity, the Schauder fixed-point theorem and the Leray-Schauder theorem, we proved that the modified Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problem for the complex system with some conditions is solvable.


MethodsⅠMaximal electroshock seizure was adopted to analyse the relative of dose and effect, relative of time and effect, including maximal efficacy and potency of these five extractives in mice given by ig administration.ⅡMetrazol seizure test was used to compare seizure latency, anticonvulsant rate and mortality of mice with every extractives.ⅢPharmacodynamic parameters of five alcoholic extractives were assayed by means of Pharmacological Effective Method.ⅣUsing the model of seizure rats induced by penicillin localized injected in cortex,we studied the effect of extractives on seizure latency, frequency of epileptiform discharge, highest wave of hippocampus EEG(Recoded by RM6240C multichannel physiological signal collection and analysis recorde), the changes of convulsant behaviors and the latency of seizure.


Research background: Choroidal neovascularization is a common cause of vision loss in patients, which often resulted from exudative Age-related macular degeneration、 pathologic myopia、 central serous chorioretinopathy、ocular histoplasmosis and angioid streaks, Rarely, CNV is seen in children, usually in association with inherited macular dystrophies. Despite extensive basic and clinical research, our knowledge of the complicated molecular mechanism of CNV is still limited, for these reasons currently used therapeutic approaches are insufficiently effective.

课题研究背景:脉络膜新生血管(choroidal neovascularization,CNV)是导致视力丧失的一种常见原因,多继发于渗出型年龄相关性黄斑变性、近视性黄斑变性、中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜炎、眼组织胞浆菌病和眼底血管样条纹等眼病,在儿童罕见,主要与遗传性黄斑营养不良有关,尽管近年来进行了大量的基础和临床研究,但对CNV复杂分子机制的认识仍然非常有限,因此目前的治疗措施都不尽如人意。

A theorem of the alternative for the generalized subconvexlike set-valued maps is established using the separation theorem of convex sets in a Banach spaces, the concept of weak Benson proper efficient elements for a vector optimization problem is introduced, and the optimality necessary and sufficient Lagrange conditions for a vector set-valued map constrained optimization problem with the weak Benson proper efficiency is developed, with which the optimality Lagrange conditions for a nonconvex vector top-base constrained optimization of set-valued maps with the Benson proper efficiency are obtained.

刘莹 ,刘三阳,盛宝怀运用凸集分离定理对广义锥次类凸集值映射建立了一种择一性定理。引入向量优化弱Benson真有效元的概念,对带约束的非凸向量集值优化问题建立了在弱Benson真有效意义下有效元应满足Lagrange乘子型的必要及充分条件,并用这一结果建立了多目标主从非凸向量集值优化在弱Benson真有效意义下最优解的Lagrange乘子型充要条件。

Intralobar pulmonary sequestration usually present as multiloculated cyst containing fluid and/or air, or irregular mass in CT scan, multi-slice CT angiography and 3D reconstruction can depict supplying artery and draining vein clearly, so it could be an ideal modality for evaluating this condition.


The experimental results proclaimed:the foamability and the foam stability of ionic surfactant system was qualified than nonionic surfactant system; and if the surfactant molecule was voluminous or the hydrophobic tail had many embranchments, the foamability and the foam stability were scrannel.


Results Traumatic moist lung mostly occurred in bilateral pulmonary middle-inferior field of traumatic side or opposite side ,of them ,interstitial pattern was found in 18 cases,segmentary consolidation pattern in 9 cases,diffuse consolidation pattern in 7 cases,and cloud pat...


Results 7 cases were probably diagnosed as multipe system atrophy, among which 5 cases were MSA-C, 2 cases were MSA-P; 3 cases were progressive supranuclear palsy.

结果 诊断多系统萎缩-C型5例,MSA-P型2例,进行性核上性麻痹3例。

The proportion of rents that firms get depends on their network capability. This reveals the essential relationships between network resource, network rents and network capability: First of all, network rents come from the network resources. Furthermore, network rent is the representative of the competitive advantage and the value of the network resource. Second, network resource is the foundation of the network capability, the function of network capability is activated in the process of using network resource by firm. It enables the network resource to be a potential value resource of the competitive advantage. At last, network capability activates the network rents in the network resource, and make sure that the firm get the additional benefit;(4) the network capability can be classified as: network visioning capability, network constructing capability, network operating capability and network constructing capability. Some factors, such as maturity of IT, openness of culture, management system involved, experience of participation in network, have a positive effect on the network capability of the firm;(5) the impact of network capability on innovation performance is realized through knowledge transfer between network partners, namely, knowledge transfer is the mediator; and (6) the type of innovation network, exporation network or exploitation network, has moderator effect on the relationship of network capability and knowledge transfer, and network capability and innovation performance as well. In the exploration network, network constructing capability has more effect on the performance of the knowledge transfer and innovation. In the exploitation network, network operating capability has more effect on the performance of the knowledge transfer and innovation.


The principal synoptic systems of impacting snowfall in the early winter were the combinations of the westerly and south-to-north trough, moving plateau trough, plateau low pressure, plateaushear line, Bangladesh Bay storm; the configuration of the 850 hPa temperature anomaly field of the southern and middle Asia in the typical snow-abundant/scarce year on the plateau was "positive in the south and negative in the north", while the anomaly distribution of 500 hPa on the plateau and the eastern coastal area was "low in the west and high in the east".

结果表明:青海南部地区初冬降雪量呈缓慢减少的变化趋势,平均积雪量变化与年及其它季相比,呈微弱的减少趋势,平均积雪量与气温呈反相关,而与降雪量呈正相关;影响青海南部地区初冬降雪的主要天气系统是西风带南北槽结合类、移动性高原槽类、高原低涡类、高原切变类、孟加拉湾风暴类;典型多雪年高原及南亚与中亚地区850 hPa 温度距平场配置为&南正北负&型、500 hPa 高原与东部沿海地区距平分布为&西低东高&型。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
