英语人>网络例句>多型性 相关的搜索结果


与 多型性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Events,Operation and Relation of Sets, Classical Probability, Geometrical Probability , Statistical Stability of a Frequency, Axioms of Probability, Conditional Probability, Total Probability Theorem, Bayes' Rule,Independent Events,Independent Repeated Trials, One Dimensional Random Variables, Discrete Random Variables, Distribution Function of a Random Variables , Continuous Random Variables, Normal Distribution, Distribution of a Function of a Random Variable, Multidimensional Random Variables, Joint Distribution Function, Marginal Distribution Function,Discrete Two—Dimensional Random Variables,Continuous Two—Dimensional Random Variables, Independent Random Variables, Distribution of Functions of Random Variables,Expectation,Variance, Covariance, Coefficient of Correlation, Bivariate Normal Distribution, Law of Large Numbers, The Central Limit Theorems, Sample and Population ,Chi—Squared, T and F Distributions , Sampling Distributions , Point Estimation , Interval Estimation , Testing Hypotheses , A Test of Significance for Parameters in a Single Sample From a Normally Distributed Population , A Test of Significance for Parameters in Two Sample From Normally Distributed Populations .

本课程的主要内容:概率的概念与运算、随机变量及其分布、随机变量的数字特征与极限定理、数理统计的基本概念、估计和检验的基本方法,随机事件与概率随机事件、事件的关系与运算、几何概率、统计概率等,条件概率、全概率公式、贝叶斯公式、事件的独立性、二项概率公式,随机变量的概念、离散型随机变量、随机变量的分布函数、连续型随机变量、随机变量函数的分布,多维随机变量及其分布函数、边缘分布函数、随机变量的独立性、二维随机变量函数的分布,数学期望、方差、协方差和相关系数、大数定律、中心极限定理,总体与样本, X 2-分布、 t-分布和 F-分布,统计量及抽样分布,假设检验的基本概念、单个正态总体参数的显著性检验、两个正态总体参数的显著性检验。

In order to explore the chemical regulation of the plant type dwarfing of Coleus blumei, its cutting plantlets were used as the experimental materials in this research. Through studying its height and cytological characters of each treatment, we found that spraying 800-fold liquor of 15% Paclobutrazol wettable powder and 7,000-fold liquor of 5% Unlconazole (S3307D) on its leaves had significant dwarfing effect on it; 400-fold liquor of 50% chlormequat chloride had not any.


The comparisons of biochemistry between OP and OR rats The differences between OP and OR rats included not only body weight, but lipids metabolism and insulin sensitivity as well, characterized with insulin resistance, increasing in serum free fatty acids and ketone body, and hepatic TC and TG in OP rats. However, no significant differences were observed in serum TG, TC, LDL, HDL and fasting glucose between OP and OR rats.⑶Comparisons of metabolites in serum, urine and liver tissue between OP and OR rats①There were significant differences in amino acids concentration between OP and OR rats,especially in liver tissue, such as high concentrations in ketogenic and glucogenic amino acids in OP rats, suggesting differences in amino acids metabolism;② The different metabolites between OP and OR rats included increasing of various saturated fatty acids and decreasing of polyunsaturated fatty acids in OP rats;③The urinary metabolites analysis indicated that different structure or metabolism of gut microflora might exist between the two phenotypes, which probably influenced the regulation of body weight gain;④The end-products of catecholamines in urine and intermediates of krebs cycle in serum in OP rats were all up-regulated, suggesting that the activity of sympatheic nervous system and energy metabolism was higher in OP rats than OR rats.


In this paper, we first study the existence of positive solution and oscillation of neutral differential equation with...


The petrophysical properties reflect reservoir heterogeneity by integration of well testing with reservoir performance are acquired by means of geostatistics , multi-parameter cluster analysis , neural network technique , a set of method of quantitative division and estimation to reservoir quality unit in carbonate pools of fracture and vug type is explored , the estimated parameter for different unit is acquired. which lead to better the understanding of reservoir behavior and heterogeneity.


Results About 39 cases were diagnosed as benign tumors,majority of which were demoid cysts.The another one case was borderline mucinous cystadenoma.Eight cases were diagnosed by ultrasound examination during the first trimester(53.33 %),4 had complication to do emergency operations,3 were caused by torsion,one by rupure.Serum samples for CA125 estimation were obtained from 3 before operations.AS a result,2 cases were elevated,one of which was borderline mucinoers cystadenoma.38 cases were full-term birth.

结果 妊娠期良性肿瘤39例,占97.5%,以生殖细胞肿瘤多见,黏液性囊腺瘤交界型1例;孕早期超声诊断8例,占孕期发现总例数的53.33%(8/15);有4例出现并发症并行急诊手术,扭转3例,破裂1例,术前3例行CA125检查,2例升高,其中1例为黏液性囊腺瘤交界型;足月分娩38例,占95.00%。

Primary cultured chondrocytes are poly-angle, cytoplasm-rich, and their nuclei are either round or oval with clear necleole. Metachromatic and alcian blue positive staining in primary cultured chondrocytes was observed. Intercellular matrix was anti-collagen type Ⅱ staining but not anti-collagen type Ⅰ staining by IHC assay.

原代培养软骨细胞呈多角型,胞质丰富,胞核成圆形或椭圆型,核仁清楚,甲苯胺蓝呈异染性,阿尔新蓝8Gx 染色阳性,细胞外基质Ⅱ型胶原免疫组化染色阳性,Ⅰ型胶原染色阴性。

Diamonds began growth when "Jiangnan continent" combined to Yangtze craton, the growth and residence average temperature T〓 was about 1200℃; Diamonds were mutil-stages growth and interruption caused by temperature and pressure varied during Yangtze craton activities; Diamonds were etched when the magma did not erupt on the surface and form failed magma in mantle; during the later growth term T〓<1050℃, the type ⅠaA diamonds formed unclear and growth; Before the host magma erupted T〓<0.5Ma, T〓A<850℃, the type Ⅰb diamond formed unclear and growth; Few diamonds were brittle deformation during growth term, some were plastic deformation after growth; when the host magma erupted on the surface and weathered to alluvial deposit, diamonds surfaces formed green spots caused by irradiation, then most of green spots became to brown spots during a mid-temperature metamorphism; modern river reform it to alluvial deposit in the minute valley again.


The volatile compositions in liquid CO2 hop extract or compressed hop of homemade SA-1 hop were analyzed by headspace so- lid-phase micro extraction. Multiple indexes including total resin, soft resin, hard resin,α-acid,β-acid, and polyphenols in SA-1 hop were measured and then the parameters of SA-1 influencing beer brewing were compared with foreign quality hop SAAZ.


Lid-phase micro extraction. Multiple indexes including total resin, soft resin, hard resin,α-acid,β-acid, and polyphenols in SA-1 hop were measured and then the parameters of SA-1 influencing beer brewing were compared with foreign quality hop SAAZ. The results suggested that SA-1 hop had lower content of α-acid(3.40 % w/w,its content of β-acid was 3.50 % and co-humulone ratio was 23.92 % rel.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
