英语人>网络例句>多型性 相关的搜索结果


与 多型性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results In those patients with marrow invasion , 4 cases in I phase(4.2%),12 cases in II phase(12.6%),36 cases in Ⅲ phase(37.9%)and 43 cases in Ⅳ phase(47.4%);small lymphocytic、diffuse cleaved cell、lymphoblastic lymphoma are main pathologic types;patients with mediastinal lymphadenectasis、splenomegaly and spleen violations are prone to catch bone marrow involvement;56 cases of anemia in patients with bone marrow involuement(58.9%), 42 patients with thrombocytopenia (44.2%),27 cases with leukopenia (28.4%),49 cases of patients leukocyte increased (51.6%),so,anemia is common;three were 30 cases with three items abnormal(31.6%)and 65 cases with one item abnormal at least (68.4%),the incidence of abnormal peripheral blood in leukocythemia patients were higher than that in patients with bone marrow infiltration,Particularly the patients with increased leukocyte or three items abnormalities were more common in leukemia; Abnormal cells in peripheral blood were observed in 66 cases (69.5%); chemotherapy efficiency reached 65.2% in the patients with bone marrow involuement,the median survival time was 11.5 months.

结果发生骨髓侵犯病例中I期4例(4.2%), II期12例(12.6%),Ⅲ期36例(37.9%),Ⅳ期43例(47.4%);病理类型以小淋巴细胞性,弥漫型裂细胞性(改为:弥漫性大B细胞型淋巴瘤)和淋巴母细胞性淋巴瘤多见;纵隔淋巴结肿大、脾脏肿大和脾受侵患者易发生骨髓侵犯;骨髓侵犯患者外周血中贫血56例(58.9%),血小板减少42例(44.2%),白细胞减少27例(28.4%),白细胞增高49例(51.6%),以贫血多见;三项均异常30例(31.6%),至少一项不正常65例(68.4%),淋巴瘤细胞白血病患者外周血象异常发生率高于骨髓浸润患者,尤其是白细胞增高或三项均异常者更常见于白血病;66例(69.5%)外周血分类中发现异常细胞;骨髓侵犯化疗有效率65.2%,中位生存期11.5个月。

Results In those patients with marrow invasion , 4 cases in I phase(4.2%),12 cases in II phase(12.6%),36 cases in Ⅲ phase(37.9%)and 43 cases in Ⅳ phase(47.4%);small lymphocytic、diffuse cleaved cell、lymphoblastic lymphoma are main pathologic types;patients with mediastinal lymphadenectasis、splenomegaly and spleen violations are prone to catch bone marrow involvement;56 cases of anemia in patients with bone marrow involuement(58.9%)恶性淋巴瘤症状, 42 patients with thrombocytopenia (44.2%),27 cases with leukopenia (28.4%),49 cases of patients leukocyte increased (51.6%),so,anemia is common;three were 30 cases with three items abnormal(31.6%)and 65 cases with one item abnormal at least (68.4%),the incidence of abnormal peripheral blood in leukocythemia patients were higher than that in patients with bone marrow infiltration,Particularly the patients with increased leukocyte or three items abnormalities were more common in leukemia; Abnormal cells in peripheral blood were observed in 66 cases (69.5%); chemotherapy efficiency reached 65.2% in the patients with bone marrow involuement,the median survival time was 11.5 months.

结果发生骨髓侵犯病例中I期4例(4.2%), II期12例(12.6%),Ⅲ期36例(37.9%)恶性淋巴瘤分期,Ⅳ期43例(47.4%);病理类型以小淋巴细胞性,弥漫型裂细胞性(改为:弥漫性大B细胞型淋巴瘤)和淋巴母细胞性淋巴瘤多见;纵隔淋巴结肿大、脾脏肿大和脾受侵患者易发生骨髓侵犯;骨髓侵犯患者外周血中贫血56例(58.9%),血小板减少42例(44.2%),白细胞减少27例(28.4%),白细胞增高49例(51.6%),以贫血多见;三项均异常30例(31.6%),至少一项不正常65例(68.4%),淋巴瘤细胞白血病患者外周血象异常发生率高于骨髓浸润患者,尤其是白细胞增高或三项均异常者更常见于白血病;66例(69.5%)外周血分类中发现异常细胞;骨髓侵犯化疗有效率65.2%,中位生存期11.5个月。

Behavioral phenomena quantified by genetic markers in various species include patterns of multiple mating by both sexes; frequent cuckoldry by males and rare cuckoldry by females in nest-tending species; additional routes to surrogate parentage via nest piracy and egg-thievery; egg mimicry by nest-tending males; brood parasitism by helper males in cooperative breeders; clutch mixing in oral brooders; kinship in schooling fry of broadcast spawners; sperm storage by dams in female-pregnant species; and sex-role reversal, polyandry, and strong sexual selection on females in some male-pregnant species.


Behaioral phenomena quantified by genetic markers in arious species include patterns of multiple mating by both sexes; frequent cuckoldry by males and rare cuckoldry by females in nest-tending species; additional routes to surrogate parentage ia nest piracy and egg-thieery; egg mimicry by nest-tending males; brood parasitism by helper males in cooperatie breeders; clutch mixing in oral brooders; kinship in schooling fry of broadcast spawners; sperm storage by dams in female-pregnant species; and sex-role reersal, polyandry, and strong sexual selection on females in some male-pregnant species.


The contents are the following:In chapter two, the existence and multiplicity results for the following equation of p-Laplacian type are obtained.For the elliptic quasilinear hemivariational inequality involving the p-Laplacian operator,in order to use the mountain pass theorem proving the existence result, the authors usually need to use the uniform convexity of the Sobolev space to prove the energy function satisfies the PS condition. But for the p-Laplacian type equation mentioned above, this method is no use. To overcome this difficulty, the potential function is assumed to be convex, then I prove the existence result and by using the extension of the Ricceri theorem, the multiplicity result for the problem is obtained.

在第二章我们首先考虑关于以下p-Laplacian型(p-Laplacian type)方程非平凡解及多解的存在性对于带有p-Laplacian算子的椭圆拟线性半边分不等式问题,为应用非光滑的山路引理证明解的存在性,在证明方程所对应的能量泛函满足非光滑的PS条件时,需利用Sobolev空间的一致凸性,但是对于具有更一般形式的算子的p-Laplacian型方程,不具备上述性质,在文中为克服这一困难,本人对位势泛函做了一致凸的假设,从而证明了解的存在性,并应用推广的Ricceri定理,证明了方程三个解的存在性。

Results The general distribution of ABO blood group of donors with favism had no significant difference.There was significant difference in A and O blood group patients.The patients with favism were less in A blood group,and more in O blood group,favism was apt to male.

结果 蚕豆病和正常人群ABO血型总体分布差异无显著性,而A型、O型差异有显著性。A型儿童蚕豆病发病人数相对少些,O型儿童蚕豆病发病人数相对多些,男性多于女性。

Clinical Efficiency of Meningococcus Group A Capsular Polysaccharide Vaccine in Children Three Months to Five Years of Age Cellular and Humoral Components of Monocyte and Neutrophil Chemotaxis in Cord Blood Oral non-absorbed Antibiotics Prevent Infection in Acute non-lymphoblastic Leukemia Aspirin-induced Hepatotoxicity and Its Effect on Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Prediction of Morbidity in Hemophilus Influenzae Meningitis Neurological Sequelae in Children Surviving Mechanical Ventilation in the Neonatal Period Developmental Effects of Prolonged Pregnancy and the Postmaturity Syndrome Long-term Outcome of Hemophilus Influenzae Meningitis Related to Antibiotic Treatment Recommendations for a National Policy on Poliomyelitis Vaccination Impaired Humoral Immunity in Treated Hodgkin's Disease Development of Immune Response during Typhoid Fever in Man In Vitro Susceptibility of Recently Isolated gram-negative Bacteria to Gentamicin, Sisomicin, Tobramycin, and Amikacin Studies of Urticaria and Acute Serum Sickness with the CI Precipitin Test Epidemic Measles in a Highly Vaccinated Population Congenital Chloride Diarrhea Acute Parotitis Associated with Influenza, Type A: Twelve Cases Urinary Tract Infection in high-risk Newborn Infants Maternal ABO Blood Group Type B: A Risk Factor in the Development of Neonatal Group B Streptococcal Disease

脑膜炎双球菌A羣被囊多醣类疫苗接种在3个月到5岁大小孩之临床效果脐带血内单核球及嗜中性球化学向性之细胞成分及体液成分口服不被吸收的抗生素可预防性急非淋巴球性白血症病人罹患感染阿斯匹灵引起之肝毒性及其对幼年性风湿样关节炎之影响流行感冒杆菌脑膜炎预后之预测新生儿时期接受人工呼吸器其日后神经系统上之后遗症过期妊娠及过度成熟徵候对发育之影响流行感冒杆菌脑膜炎之长期预后与抗生素治疗之关系对"小儿麻痹预防接种的国家政策"的建议 Hodgkin's disease治疗后体液免疫之缺损伤寒患者免疫反应的研究目前分离出来的革兰氏阴性菌在体外对Gentamicin,Sisomicin,Tobramycin和Amikacin之感受性荨麻疹和急性血清病CI沉淀素试验的研究在大多数接种人羣发生的麻疹流行先天性氯腹泻与influenza A型病毒有关的急性腮腺炎:12病例报告高危险性新生儿的尿道感染母亲血型B型:为新生儿发生B羣链球菌疾病之个危险因素

The synthesis of the pentacyclic skeleton of Et-743 and the construction of the five chiral centers thereof.1. The core pentacyclic skeleton of phthalascidin was constructed with L-dopa as the starting material via thirteen steps. First, two basic synthons, the C-1 functionalized tetrahydroisoquinoline compounds 8 and N-protected Z-dopa derivative 9, were prepared from L-dopa. They were coupled via amide bond to form the dipeptide compounds 10, which were the first key intermediates. Then the primary hydroxyl groups were transformed into the corresponding amino aldehydes 11 via Swern oxidation. Followed by the intramolecular Pictet-Spengler cyclization, the pentacyclic compounds 12 were synthesized.


Abstract] objective to improve the diagnosis of non-ossifying fiboma by analysing its x-ray feature.methods plain x-ray films was performed in all patients.x-ray finding in 8 cases with pathologically-confirmed non-ossifying were analyzed.results the clinical symptom was mild,the lesions occurred usually at the metaphysis of the long bones,the affected bones included femur(n=4),tibia(n=3),humerus(n=1).cortical type was seen in 5 cases,presenting as unilocular or multilacular transparent areas with in the cortex or tightly beneath the cortex,the lesion had a sclerotic margin.which was more obvious at the marrow side.medullary type was seen in 2 cases.the lesion was located at the center of the bone and grew centrally.the tumor was manifested as unilocular or multilocular.tramsparent area with sclerotic border and the bone cortex became thinner with slightly expanding on 11 sides.conclusion plain radiography is the elementally means to detect this disease.based on the typical x-ray signs of non-ossifying fibroma combined with clinical data,correct preoperative diagnosis can be made in most cases.

目的 探讨非骨化性纤维瘤的x线表现以提高诊断水平。方法所有病例均摄有x线平片,分析经病理证实的8例非骨化性纤维瘤。结果临床症状轻,好发于下肢长骨干骺端或骨干,股骨4例,胫骨3例,肱骨1例。皮质型5例,表现为皮质内或紧贴皮质下的单层或多层透亮区,病变向骨内发展进入髓腔,周围有致密硬化带环绕,以髓腔侧明显;髓质型2例,病灶在骨内中央发展,显示为单房或多房透亮区,边缘有硬化,骨皮质菲薄,轻微向周围膨隆。结论 x线为最基本的检查方法,典型病例x线平片结合临床症状即可明确诊断。

The degrees of fibrosis of sternomastoid muscle in CMT are related to the hyperplasy of collagen type IV.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
