英语人>网络例句>多型性 相关的搜索结果


与 多型性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Chapter 4, we consider the qusilinear elliptic systems with the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition, and obtain the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions.


Most of them are low grade or well differentiated liposarcoma (rather than the myxoid or pleomorphic variants of liposarcomas).


The rates of nonsynonymous substitutions occurred at a significantly lower frequency than that of synonymous substitutions, which were not consistent with the common rule.

在这些扬子鳄样本中共检测到34个单倍型,每个亚种群内检测到的单倍型数量分别为15,9和10个,与其他一些动物如哺乳动物和鲤科鱼类相比,扬子鳄MHC Ⅱ类B基因第3外元多态性较高。

The chromatin unfolding assay showed that ,like the wild-type transactivation domain, two variants that represent benign polymorphisms did not induce chromatin unfolding or only induced subtle change. Contrary to the behaviors of the wild type and two benign variants, four cancer-predisposing mutations in the transactivation domain superactivate the chromatin unfolding. The results suggest that the chromatin unfolding assay can aid in the characterization of deleterious mutations in the C-terminal transactivation domain of BRCA1 and may provide more reliable presymptomatic risk assessment.


Methods The method of PCR- RFLP was conducted to examine the genotype of 3 cPLA2 genes ( PLA2G4A, PLA2G4B and PLA2G4C genes) in 263 subjects, including 121 cases of T2DM and 142 controls. The conditional test was used to test the combined effect of distinct loci on the T2DM by conditioning on allele or by conditioning on genotype with UNPHASED analysis platform. Results The genotypic frequencies of the 3 genes did not deviate from Hardy-weinberg equilibrium in both case and control groups.


These data indicate a high level of genetic diversity in the Yarkand hare.


This thesis gave a study on the polymorphism of ob gene in erhualian, xiang pig, Large White, Duroc, Landrace, Pietran and Landrace X erhualian crossbreeds , by means of Bi-PASA.


The materials with Wx^1 genotype and G-type of Wx gene had higher AC and harder GC, however, the materials with Wx^2,Wx^3 genotypes and T-type of Wx gene had lower AC and sof- ter GC.

利用484/485引物检测,Wx基因呈Wx^1、Wx^2和Wx^3种多态性;而用PCR-Acc I检测,Wx基因表现为G型和T-型。

Polymorphism of HLA-DQB1 promoter region in Hans IDDM patients and normal controls have been identified by PCR, PCR/SSCP and PCR/sequencing methods.No differences were found in y and s box between patients and controls carrying different allele as well as in different ethnic groups. There are two different sequences in x box,but CCTAGAGACAGATT sequence locates frequently on the haplotype with DQB1.0302 allele. Polymorphism between transcription point and y box (at position -44~-46 and -59~-61) might be associated with the genetic susceptibility to IDDM. Additionally,a new single base mutant (CACC→CAC A ) was found at position -131 and -128 in two patients carrying DQB1.0601 allele.

结果显示携带不同等位基因的患者与对照者DQB1 5'-调控区y、s box核苷酸序列相同,且与白种人基因结构一致;y box核苷酸序列存在二种结构,CCTAGAGACAGATT序列常常与DQB1.0302等位基因在同一单倍型;转录起始位点至y box间-44至-61位存在多态性,-59至-61位AAG等位基因可能与1-型糖尿病易感相关联;在2例携带DQB1.0601等位基因患者的-131至-128位间发现CACC→ACA A单个碱基取代突变。

Genotype BB-representing Arg 669 was well-conserved amino acid with other MC4R subtypes or other species MC4R.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
