英语人>网络例句>多元回归分析 相关的搜索结果


与 多元回归分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Five main stalk crops planted in northern China including wheat, corn, broomcorn, soybean, and millet, were chosen to be the samples of the experiments. About seven morphological traits (such as plant height, ear length, ear weight, moisture content and so on) were measured in the crop mature period. The maximum shear force during shearing process, through static test equipment, at the second internode of the basal stalk, was recorded. And shear strength of each crop was calculated to find the differences of shear strength among different crops. The optimal regression models of shear force and morphological traits were obtained by multiple linear regression method with Statistics Analysis System. The equation based on the regression models was constructed.


In order to ensure the reliability and accuracy of theoretical analysis, we use empirical analysis on the market data. At first, we make multivariate statistical regression on the financial indicators, including the day-to-day operating conditions, the stock market performance, and single-stock risk in a fluctuation cycle. On the basis of control variables, we then examine the direct impact of governance indicators and the indirect impact (the cross-variable regression of financial and governance).


It uses t-Test and Granger Causality Test to solve the problems of multicollinearity and spurious regression, so the whole model is convictive.


The basical ideas, arithmatic methods and applied conditions of reduction of partial least squares and discrete wavelet transformation, logitboost, random forests and fuzzy kendal discriminate analysis of microarray gene expression data, ordinal discriminate analysis of time series multivariate data and varied-coefficient-logistic-regression-model discriminate analysis of the data with varied regular pattern in itself.


Multiple linear regression, binominal regression and neural network methods were applied in the analyses.


We analyzed primary test factor through multi-element linear regression model. We finally concluded the optimum conditions for tapioca starch micronization.


Alternatively, the test power may be reduced if we analyze these variables one by one, and the results are also difficult to explain, moreover, it is difficult to compare these results with that from the analysis on the dichotomized variable.


A mathematic model,which deals with the relationship between maximum temperature of thick plate butt multipass welding and weld heat input,interpass temperature,ambient temperature and the distance of measuring points to heat source center,was founded using multivariant nonlinear regression analysis.


On the poet's choice, mainly be decided by two standards, one is the popularity and influences of works; two is the meaning of the creations development that it create for the whole colony. Owing to above two standards, the writer chooses seven writers to launch the treatise, they are Jidi Maja, Jimu Langge, Luwu Laqi, Ma Deqing, Aku Wuwu , Asu Yuer, Eni-Mushashijia. In discussing the process, the writer used the nationality and Poetics of the poem as the latent clues, emphasized to inquiry into three main roads and three main realms. On the article structure, the full text mainly is divided into two parts, one is the concrete imago analysis to each poet creations, two is upon the analytical foundation the integration of the theories, with this the treatise could be united into an organic whole. In regard to the conclusion, we educe the characteristics of the colony is deep consciousness to the nation culture, also extensive exploration and attention to poetics. The blemish is the inside emotion and sensibility is similar or duplicate and that the creation pattern is narrow. The main develop threads of the colony are upon the female clan culture the diverse poem skill investigation, its nation culture value tropism present the rising spiral type of return- leave- return again.


It chooses the number of landscape types as human interference factors to construct artificial neural network model, multi-model adaptive regression splines, support vector machine model and projection pursuit regression model to respectively analog analysis human disturbance on the impact of the landscape diversity, dominance and evenness.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
