英语人>网络例句>多元回归分析 相关的搜索结果


与 多元回归分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Multivariate analysis indicated that age, refractoriness hypertension, carotid artery atherosclerostic plaques and coronary artery triple vessel lesion was identified as independent predictors of ARAS.


Methods To evaluate relationship between HF and ANP with multi line regression method and to compare HR and BP between 121 patients with EH and 41 control persons after and before exercise.


The result indicates that multi factor line regression analysis is simple and fewer errors, thus it can be used generally and objectively, and it can reflect the instance of acid leaching. Therefore, this study can provide the basis for dealing with acid leaching time of uranium ore.


According to analysis of relation of heat island intensity and meteorological conditions, the multiple regressive formulas are established.


In order to satisfy the needs of the economical management and the engineering project, the paper gives three empirical formulae by the stepwise multiple regressiveness and main analysis methods to calculate the quantities of the machinery in the forest area of China. The formula(11) is used for accurate calculating.The formula (16) is used for simplified calculating and the formula (17) is used for roughly calcu!


The methods include self-comment and being visited.


The standard equation of measuring concentration of protein in milk is obtained through linear regression analysis of the model.


Methods CHD patients were proved by coronary arteriongraphy. 64 patients with type 2 diabetes in combination with CHD were enrolled in group A and 98 patients with simple CHD served as group B. Patients of group A were subdivided into 3 groups based on scalar of the stenotic coronary artery, viz 1 rarnus, 2 rami and 3 rami affection groups, and urinary albumin level was determined. In group A, age, course of DM, BMI, BP, BS, GHbA1c, blood-fat, UAL serving as iv, and affection sum and stenosis index serving as dv, ran polynary gradual regressive analysis.


Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that inflammatory markers were independent influencing factors for MS and its target organ damage.


Therefore, this study can provide the basis for dealing with acid leaching time of uranium ore.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
