英语人>网络例句>多元分析 相关的搜索结果


与 多元分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, after introducing these variables in nominal logisticand proportional hazard multiple regression models, only highCormack and Lehane grade during direct laryngoscopy, high upperlip bite test score, and short sternothyroid distance were significantlyassociated with multiple attempts or lengthier intubations.

然而,在 logistic 及比例风险多元回归模型中分析这些变数发现只有直接喉镜 Cormack 和 Lehane 等级高、上唇咬诊评分高及甲颏距离短与插管时间长或多次尝试显著相关。

Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to correlate the tumor response to Tmax,Tmin, Tav, T90, T50, T10,%T, and the cumulative minutes when the temperature reached 42.5℃ in the tumor center (Cum min Tcenter>42.5℃).

最终进行肿瘤反应与肿瘤内最高温度,最低温度,平均温度, T90, T50,T10,%T以及肿瘤中央区测温点温度大于42℃, 42.5℃的持续时间(Cum min Tcenter>42℃, 42.5℃等热参数的多元回归分析。

This article discusses the process of teacher education from unity to diversification, and analyses the questions of teacher profession in student selection, pre-job education, practical training, qualification, employ, and on-job education. It recommends 11 improvement strategies as follow: to control severely and to make better demand evaluation, to preserve partly students at government expense to spread excellent mission, to postpone the pre-job education to graduation, to make system and resource soundness in teacher education center, to make the curriculum of pre-job education flexible, to communicate college and school closely, to examine qualification actually, to unitize the teacher employ impartially, to bring the outsider into the teacher arbitration board, to classify teachers, and to found the major on-job education unit drawing up the integrated on-job education system.


Comparative Analysis of Ursolic Acid in Hawthorn Leaves by HPLC.


Results:the symptoms,which is significant to differentiating dampness syndrome of chronic gastritis were filtrated by multivariate analysis.and providing...


In load forecasting, firstly obtains load hefts at different frequencies by wavelet transforming, then forecasts every heft by data classification and regression multianalysis, in the end fits every forecasting result together to get the final result.


It is considered that the problems on the publicity of space should be analyzed within the plural kens of civil society according to the specific periods of social transformation. And it is also illustrated that the space could be expressed as a public space by civil society through the"mechanisms leading to consensus"and their good interactions with the"mechanisms leading to purposes".


As to the issue of "commodification of culture", from the perspective of meaning,"culture and commodity" are really not fully opposed concepts; merchandised culture in fact, offers tourists a mechanism by which simply looking around turns into a sense of participation.


To solve the problem, the paper compares spectrum features of voice source in various F0 ranges and timbres in detail, and generates Muliti-Source based acoustic model for speech generation in various prosodies and timbres, by classifying and reconstructing voice source into different types.

本文则在语音逆滤波过程的基础上,对声源在不同韵律特征和音色条件下的变化进行了仔细的比较分析,通过声源的重构、分类,进而形成了适用于多种韵律特征和音色特征的多元激励(Multi-Source ,MS)模型。

In the 1970s,influenced by the feminis t movement,the new social history,post-modernism and other academic t rends,researchers focussed their a ttention on the study of theshe historyand crowned it with quick success.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
