英语人>网络例句>多元分析 相关的搜索结果


与 多元分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Research samples were limited to the attainability of integral financial information during the research period. Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were adopted as the verification methods to explore the influences of textile companies' attributions to their company capital structures.


Seven characters of cocoon filament from 15 strains of Bombyx mori were used in this study for principal component analysis.


The article approximately has three parts:Part one mostly analyses the result and influence of the "Glorious Revolution". Part two will discuss the formation of the Cabinetwork usage through the argument of the Cabinet organization foundation, the role change of the Cabinet minister and the Cabinet responsibility. Part three mostly discusses the role and the function of the Cabinet in the course of making the king a mere figurehead, relaxing the tense relationship between the king and the Parliament and forming multi-powers situation.


Canonical Correlation Analysis is a important research subject of multivariate statistical analysis.


Function and limit, one-variable calculus and its application, ABC of progression and multiple-variable calculus, determinant, matrix and its calculation, system of linear equations and quadratic form, probability of occurrence, chance variable, law of large numbers and central limit theorem, sample and


Function and limit, one-variable calculus and its application, ABC of progression and multiple-variable calculus, determinant, matrix and its calculation, system of linear equations and quadratic form, probability of occurrence, chance variable, law of large numbers and central limit theorem, sample and parametric estimation, variance analysis, regression analysis.

Advanced Mathematics 1 [Course Code 1040008 MAT114] 本课程主要介绍函数和极限,一元微积分和它的应用,ABC 级数和多元微积分,行列式和矩阵的应用,线性方程和二次方程式,事件的概率,偶然性变量,大数定律和中心极限定理,样本和参数估计,方差分析,回归分析。

To study the relation between the content of hemoglobin and calcium , iron and cuprum in children's blood, we use multiple linear regression analysis.


In order to ensure the reliability and accuracy of theoretical analysis, we use empirical analysis on the market data. At first, we make multivariate statistical regression on the financial indicators, including the day-to-day operating conditions, the stock market performance, and single-stock risk in a fluctuation cycle. On the basis of control variables, we then examine the direct impact of governance indicators and the indirect impact (the cross-variable regression of financial and governance).


With case-conetol metbod and statistic method 0f single factor and multi-variate stepwise fegression analysis, the RF of CHD and CAS bave been analysed and similarity and difference of botb diseases have been discussed. THE results revealed that kidney deficiency, heart deficiency, Liver deficiency, Lung deficiency, qi deficiency, senility index, bypertension, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, typerlipemia, obesity are principal RF of CHD.


In normal multivariate regression analysis, the relations between independent variable and dependent variable is analyzed, and the value of dependent variable can be forecasted.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
