英语人>网络例句>多元分析 相关的搜索结果


与 多元分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Proceeding from the above purpose and thinking, the following of research contents is launched that: Chapter one is a part of the prolegomena, and mainly introduce the purpose, meaning, research background, documents survey in which the tax compliance discrimination models concerned. On the basis of the investigation of the critical to taxation, Chapter two reveals the index system, and uses the discriminating analytical method to judge taxpayers" credit, and embodies its standard and methods in judgments. On the disvovery of the investigating taxpayers" microeconomics behavior, Chapter three uses the econometrical modeling methods and data mining technology, establishes Logistic regression model, calculates taxpayer credit measure and gives the empirical analysis; Chapter four gives a work methods and suggestions in practical application of identifying models; It is a conclusion of this paper, which reaffirms the main achievements and viewpoints of this paper.


Statistic; the display and measure of section array; the display and analysis of time array; the estimation of parameters; hypothesis testing; simple regression analysis and multi-regression analysis; and word processing the results of analysis.


The main content of this course includes collecting and sorting statistical data, static data comparison and analysis; descriptive and inference statistics, time series analysis , statistical index, probability and distribution, sampling, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing;simple , multiple regression and correlation analysis .


The research data were analyzed by simple correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and canonical correlation analysis. The results were as follows


This paper addresses the relationship between multispectral satellite information and probed relative humidity in each of standard isobaric surfaces using correlation analysis, least-square fitting and multivariate linear regression separately.


The process of setting up the ship form main dimensions is mainly relied on the multivariate and stepwise regression in the past which based on the massive subsistent data including the main dimensions, Light Weight, storage capacity, stability and total cost and so on.


Analysis of association between incidence of bacillary dysentery and meteorological factors including average temperature, the lowest temperature, the highest temperature, cloudiness, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, sunshine time, rainfall and so on, was done by unifactorial correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis.


The theoretical framework is developed to deduce the relationship among corporate social capital, absorptive capacity and innovative performance.


Methods A randomized cluster sampling was performed to obtain a representative sample of population in Xinjiang Hefeng pastoral area.Blood wag taken from 632 individuals aged 30 and older for measurements of total cholesterol,triglyceride,hish density lipoprotein cholesterolby automatic biochemieal analyzer.The serum levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterolwas calculated according to the formula.

采用整群随机抽样的方法选取新疆和丰县牧区年龄≥30岁的牧民632人为调查对象,其中哈萨克族325人,蒙古族307人;抽取空腹12 h静脉m 3ml,采用日立7600全自动生化分析仪测定血浆总胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的浓度,并根据公式计算出LDL-C的浓度,对资料进行汇总,并采用t检验、方差分析或协方差分析的方法观察两民族间血浆LDL-C水平的差异,并进一步采用多元逐步同归分析的统计方法研究其影响因素。

Ultrasound pachymetry was also measured preoperative.2.3 Observational componentThe changes of naked vision, best corrected vision acuity, intraocular pressure, corneal thickness and power, irregular and difference of the posterior comeal surface, and the simulated keratoscope reading of the anterior cornea were evaluated.2.4 Statistical AnalysisData were processed with SPSS 10.0 software, each group data were analyzed by Independent-Samples t Test and multiple regression analysis.

统计分析方法使用SPSS10.0 软件进行数据统计分析,各组数据之间比较采用Independent-Samples t检验和多元回归分析。三、结果LA81K术后角膜后表面的变化 l、LASIK术后角膜后表面 Orbsca川图形的变化角膜后表面相应于前表面切削区的部位可看到有区域变红。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
