英语人>网络例句>多元分析 相关的搜索结果


与 多元分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper, based on the analysis of multi-element statistics, made use of the 10 guidelines on tourism enterprises for carrying through tolerancing their conformability and space.


Correlation analysis and consistence analysis and regression analysis was performed.


Traditional multivariable analysis method, for example, principal component analysis method and factor analysis method, are common in calculating the mean vector, the covariance matrix of sample and other variables.


Methods We used correlation analysis to precondition the data to reject indexes, and used stepwise discriminatory analysis to choose indexes and made the diagnosis by multiple linear discrimination analysis.

方法用相关分析做数据预处理剔除指标,再用逐步判别分析(stepwise discriminant analysis,SDA)选入指标,并用多元线性判别分析诊断,最后随机抽样比较剔除指标前后的诊断效果。

Meanwhile, cyanosis of lips, purplish tongue, varicose sublingual vein, flaccidity of lower extremities, hemianesthesia, headache, blackish eyelids, dispiritedness, tongue with ecchymosis, dysphasia, blackish complexion, squamous and dry skin, pain on the paralytic limbs, dermorrhagia, and distension of stomach and abdomen are more influential symptoms and signs.


On the way, By giving the example as the names of the thing (such as silk silks etc.) with color and the basic colorific phrase associated with it, this text demonstrated a fact that the basic colorific phrases were evolved from the names of the thing that include the color, under the function of the come from the method that is borrowing the thing assumes the color, and expatiated the condition of the basic colorific phrase in Chinese language. Take the synthesize colorific phrase implied compliment or dispraiser as an example, explained the imagism of Chinese thought method how to influence the synthesize the colorific phrase, and do it by taking the food, metals and nature scenery makes the ratio at other Chinese thought method that is take shape to analogy as too. It expatiated the influence that the Han ethnologic culture result in the acceptation of the colorific phrase, pass on analyze the diverse the diverse metaphor meanings of colorific phrase and the opposite phenomenon of acceptation among them of, and the colorific etyma metaphor of "yellow","vermilion","purple","blue","green" and "white", under the premise that distinct the different between themetaphor meanings of colorific phrase and colorific etyma metaphor.


This paper mainly adopts the factor analysis and cluster analysis in the multivariate statistical analysis.


To analyse these problem, Factor analysis,regression analysis and multivariate analysis have been used.


On the poet's choice, mainly be decided by two standards, one is the popularity and influences of works; two is the meaning of the creations development that it create for the whole colony. Owing to above two standards, the writer chooses seven writers to launch the treatise, they are Jidi Maja, Jimu Langge, Luwu Laqi, Ma Deqing, Aku Wuwu , Asu Yuer, Eni-Mushashijia. In discussing the process, the writer used the nationality and Poetics of the poem as the latent clues, emphasized to inquiry into three main roads and three main realms. On the article structure, the full text mainly is divided into two parts, one is the concrete imago analysis to each poet creations, two is upon the analytical foundation the integration of the theories, with this the treatise could be united into an organic whole. In regard to the conclusion, we educe the characteristics of the colony is deep consciousness to the nation culture, also extensive exploration and attention to poetics. The blemish is the inside emotion and sensibility is similar or duplicate and that the creation pattern is narrow. The main develop threads of the colony are upon the female clan culture the diverse poem skill investigation, its nation culture value tropism present the rising spiral type of return- leave- return again.


Descriptive statistics, T test, analysis of variance, Scheffe's post hoc comparison, multiple regression, stepwise regression analysis and path analysis were used to analyze the data.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
