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与 多余的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Additional code to access data in extended memory spaces is minimized or eliminated.


In this design, the dimension M of the memory vector field may be not necessarily equal to the dimension N of the network vector field. This may be the usually case in applications. Designing a network with either static or oscillating behavior, after analysing the dynamical. behavior of its four-dimension subspace, we get 2-torus in the subspace. If we vary the ratio of the imagine parts of the complex conjugate eigenvalues, the periodic motion of all kinds of period ratio on 2-torus are obtained.


Should holiday pay already taken exceed entitlement,the company will require you to repay any amount equivalent to the number of days by which you have exceeded your entitlement.


Under the conditions to consider the influence of the inertia of loading side and the stiffness of torque sensor,the dynamic models are established,the conclusion that the superfluous moment is related to the motion velocity,acceleration,and the differential of acceleration is presented.0n the basis of this dynamic model,a more effective control method to reject to extraneous moment from the view point of the division and cooperation of the function of the controller,i.e.hybrid control method,is proposed.


The paper has three parts of which the first is the formation of the superfluity consciousness. Zhangs superfluity consciousness has three dimensions: family superfluity from being abandoned when she was young, class superfluity from experiencing the clan life, and the sex character superfluity from her social experience.


Dye can bring a little color to life, most clothing is color with dyes, modern manufacture dyes can be costly, natural dyes from plan t and animal products have been used since ancient times, so this week, we describe by natural way to dye world, the advice comes from information written by Jenny Tim of the intermedial technology development group in Briton, this anti group is now called practical action, there are several messages to put dye onto material, the vent message for example, can be used to dye wool with onion skins, for this example, use 100 grams of natural wool, the wool must be clean, leave it overnight in water and liquid soap, then wash it with clean water that is a little warm, gently out the water, a solution called a moderant is used in the dying process, a moderant helps fix the dye to the material, traditionally moderants were found in nature, wood ash is one of example, but chemical moderants such as ironare popular today, iron is so would in many stores, it is often mixed with queen of daughter, a finding powder commonly used in cooking.

使用染料可以为生活带来更多的色彩。许多的布料都是通过染料来上色的。现代工业制造的染料通常都非常的贵,从古时起,人们就知道从植物或者动物产品中提取天然染料。这周,我们就来讨论一下如何用天然的方法来给羊毛着色。这一建议来自英国中级技术发展组的Jenny Dean的信息。这一古老贫穷的小组现在被称为实用性活动。把染料加到材料上有几种方法。其中之一是大桶法。举例来说,就是用洋葱皮来染羊毛。这一例子中,用100g的天然羊毛。羊毛必须清洗。用液体肥皂浸泡过夜。然后用温的干净的水冲洗它。轻柔地把多余的水分压挤出来。一种叫做媒染的溶剂也用于染洗过程。媒染是用来固定染料和材料的。传统的方法是,媒染是来天然的,比如木灰。但是像明矾这样的化学媒染在今天也是很流行的。明矾在许多商场都有出售。它通常和一种经常被用于烹调的粉状物-酒石混在一起。我们用多一点点的辛苦,来交换多一点点的幸福

For decades now in an attempt to sell beauty products, these companies have convinced us that we need to have shinier hair, straighter hair, curlier hair, clearer skin, minimize wrinkles, alleviate bumps, have fewer lumps, firmer necks, straighter teeth, whiter teeth, bigger boobs, flatter stomachs, junk in the trunk, no cellulite, hairless legs, hairless armpits, painted nails, smooth feet, higher cheekbones, lower foreheads, poutier lips, perfectly sculpted eyebrows and smell really, really good.


The new compensation scheme used loading motor output shaft angle displacement for the surplus torque feed-forward compensator,which can reduce the system order while effectively eliminated surplus torque.


You want to leave the soil nice and loose for the roots of the fly trap. When you start to transplant, you want to be very careful of the leaves of the plant. Gently taking the plant out of its pot…and you want to remove quite a bit of the soil from around the roots of the plant. Here we can see that the actual root ball of the Venus Fly Trap is extremely small. The roots are very shallow, and they really don't need a whole lot of space for their roots. Here is the rye zone of the plant, which is really the core of the Venus Fly Trap, this white fleshy part. So we are going to make a small hole for this fly trap, place it down in the soil and just bring the soil right around the plant. Nice and easy. You don't want to pack it down too hard. We are going to repeat this part process for each one of these plants.


Traditional plastic injection molding machine relies on constant rate pump in oil supply, and each action in the process of plastic injection may have different requirements on speed and pressure. The surplus oil flows back to the oil tank through the proportioning valve in the way of flooding adjustment. In the whole process, the rotation speed of motor remains unchanged, so the oil volume is fixed as well. Furthermore, the action is intermittent, and not of full load, so a great amount of oil is wasted.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
