英语人>网络例句>多余的 相关的搜索结果


与 多余的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A strong force and vigorous action are necessary to destroy old prejudices, to change old customs, to correct depraved affections, to restrict superfluous wants, and to destroy ingrained vices.... Citizens, the inflexible austerity of Lycurgus created the firm foundation of the Spartan republic.


If, therefore, all the steps taken by the duke be considered, it will be seen that he laid solid foundations for his future power, and I do not consider it superfluous to discuss them, because I do not know what better precepts to give a new prince than the example of his actions; and if his dispositions were of no avail, that was not his fault, but the extraordinary and extreme malignity of fortune.


On the one hand, a particularist view of teaching skills as context-specific responses is liable to give hostages to the fortunes of those who claim that, since the art or craft of teaching rarely if ever involves the application of general rules and principles, it can only be learned via the hands-on school experience which renders college training largely redundant.


Madam,an hour before the worshipp'dsun Peer'dforth the golden window of the east,A troubled mind draveme to walk abroad;Where,underneath the groveof sycamore That westward rootethfrom the city's side,So early walking did I see your son:Towards him I made,but he was ware of me And stoleinto the covertof the wood:I,measuring his affectionsby my own,That most are busied when they're most alone,Pursuedmy humournot pursuing his,And gladly shunn'dwho gladly fled from me.


All pregnant women face tremendous physical changes ranging from weight gain,bloatedness,generalised swelling to psychological changes caused by hormonal changes.Most women enjoy being pregnant but the face is many women who are happy about being pregnant and who want their babies dislike or even hate the unpleasant pregnancy symptoms.

二、 所有怀孕的女人都面临着生理过程中的一个变化,范围从身体体重的不断增加,身体的臃肿,荷尔蒙的失调等身体反应,造成很多马上就要做母亲的心理变化,比如很多女人都享受怀孕,喜欢孩子的降临,但是怀孕时孩子带来的痛苦以及身体发生的变化,成了很多女人多余的烦恼。

And for some reason...whenever I find someone nice like her, I'll think of Harry...but, too bad...she's taken! haha...The rehearsals have been going very well. I've already finished learning the first number, which is the hardest number in the show....and all I have to do is keep practicing and hopefully..it will be up to tempo before the 5th....my legs are a bit sore and I sweat like crazy..but, it's been a great workout..and for the first time, I'm starting to enjoy tapping! My feet have blisters...but..there is something about having blisters that makes me satisfied....I feel like I've been really working at it! If that makes any sense.... It's like...playing the guitar and finding that your fingers tips are growing callouses. Anyways...I know I'm working hard and I know I'm improving....so..it's all worth it in the end....

每当我见到一个好女孩,我常会有私心,希望她会和我的弟弟 Harry 做朋友,当然我是多余的,她早就已经有男朋友了,哈哈哈…那天我们练得还很不错,我把开场那段踢躂舞全学会了,当然我须要加紧不断的练习,希望在下个月五日,上海首演时我可以赶得上节奏…不过我的脚很酸,而且还留了很多汗,这应该是最佳运动,很难想像我居然开始越来越喜欢踢躂舞了,我还特别兴奋我的脚开始生茧了,好像证明了什麼,就像是那些结他手,为他们练得生茧的手指而自豪,我也为自已勤奋练习,不断进步而自豪吧,所以对我来说,这一切都是值得的…哦,还有我们所有的人在星期一都去一个八十年代的一个酒巴,这里有些照片跟你分享

It would be superfluous to discourse on the organs of speech, which have been a thousand times dissected, and as often described by musicians or anatomists; and the several powers of which every man may perceive either by the touch or by sight, if he will attentively observe another person pronouncing the different classes of letters, or pronounce them himself distinctly before a mirror: but a short analysis of articulate sounds may be proper to introduce an examination of every separate symbol.


Edit this paragraph the reasons for the color reaction of flame When the alkali metal and its salts in the ignition flame, the atoms absorb the energy of the electron from the orbit of low-energy transition to a higher energy orbit, but at a higher energy orbit is unstable electronic, it is fast transition back to a lower energy orbit, then the energy will be redundant form to emit light.


The Place I was in, was a most delightful Cavity, or Grotto, of its kind, as could be expected, though perfectly dark; the Floor was dry and level, and had a sort of small lose Gravel upon it, so that there was no nauseous or venemous Creature to be seen, neither was there any damp, or wet, on the Sides or Roof: The only Difficulty in it was the Entrance, which however as it was a Place of Security, and such a Retreat as I wanted, I thought that was a Convenience; so that I was really rejoyc'd at the Discovery, and resolv'd without any Delay, to bring some of those Things which I was most anxious about, to this Place; particularly, I resolv'd to bring hither my Magazine of Powder, and all my spare Arms, viz.


The laboratory research and chinical trials to prove.courage lcecontains active material that it can quickly penetrate through body's cell.so to directly provides for the cell,fill the skin intercellular space the crevice which is senile withered because of the cell stays benind supply the active elements necessary for the body cells metabolism,to activate the function of endothelium cells of blood vessels,promote the blood vessels balance, compose and secrete various blood vessels active elements,contains abundantsulfuric cartilage element,sulfuric amido etc.,all of fatty acid in human body.and it can accelerete the re-generation of blood cells,add the quantity of the hemoglobin and red blood corpuscle so to improve the blood parameter,and fundamentally improve the body cells metabolism and nutrition supply for all the organs,as a result,you will thoroughly refresh yourself and bloom vitality of youth.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
