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与 多产 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dear ladies and gentlemen: Hello! Am glad that we can meet here, the Company from 1983 to the beginning of the production of feed mechanical design, the main products sometimes-1 - 6吨powder and granular materials complete sets of equipment. 1996 produced the first expansion of soybean, after several improvements, stable and reliable operation of equipment, and to stabilize production expanded corn and soybean meal, flour, and so on. 1998 Smoke and dust to begin production and special equipment, main products are various types of cyclone, cleaning pulse dust collector, desulfurization wet dust collector and sewage treatment systems. 2000 Southwest Agricultural University and experts to design food with coal as fuel efficient energy-saving Hongfang, energy recycling, temperature control accuracy of ± 1 ℃, widely used in industrial production and other submerged La Zhipin drying food,.


So the efficiency of topsin-M in the lab was the best among the four fungicides, the effects of carbendazim and chiororthalonil were good,too.So they could be also used to control corn ear rot in practice.


Aquatic eel-shaped salamander having two pairs of very small feet; of still muddy waters in the southern United States.


Polymorphisms in ESRa gene and association with egg production traits The SSCP detection of 5" flanking regulation region and intronl in ESRa gene showed that two genotypes were detected in 5"flanking regulation region of blue eggshell chicken.

ESRa基因多态性与产蛋性状关系 ESRa基因5侧翼调控区和内含子1区经PCR-SSCP检测,发现绿壳蛋鸡5例翼调控区有两种基因型,两等位基因C的频率为0.86,D的频率为0.14。

After a muliobjective searching by AT-0520 D electronic computer using orthogonal regression design, the optimum technological conditions including the principal factors which influence the chemical reactions have been found. The expected yield of butyl acrylate, the content of byproduct β ester and acid value are all identical with the experimental data.


No need to dwell on the legendary beauty of the cornerpieces, the acme of art, wherein one can distinctly discern each of the four evangelists in turn presenting to each of the four masters his evangelical symbol, a bogoak sceptre, a North American puma (a far nobler king of beasts than the British article, be it said in passing), a Kerry calf and a golden eagle from Carrantuohill.


In addition, although the price of corn is only about 5.5 U.S. dollars/bushel currently, more than twice relative to that in 2005, its increase only causes 2 cents more in the cost of cornflake and 11 cents more in the cost for per gallon of milk when cows are fed with corn.


Plant currently has more than 300 employees, is 200,000 per month switching power supply units, electronic transformer 200,000 units, various types of dimmers and low-frequency transformers, Total 500,000 Taiwan.


Numerical analysis indicated that B2817 was a species of genus Vibrio and shared a high homology with V. gazogenes. However, there were obvious differences between them in phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characterization. The result from this study indicates that B2817 is probably a novel species of Vibrio.

经多相分类学鉴定,发现B2817是弧菌属中一个种,与弧菌属中的产气弧菌Vibrio gazogenes亲缘关系最近,但两者在形态、生理生化特征、分子遗传等方面存在很大差异,故认为B2817可能是弧菌属的一株未被认识的新种。

In the centre, above the white and glittering table, was a Venetian lustre with flat plates, with all sorts of colored birds, blue, violet, red, and green, perched amid the candles; around the chandelier, girandoles, on the walls, sconces with triple and quintuple branches; mirrors, silverware, glassware, plate, porcelain, faience, pottery, gold and silversmith's work, all was sparkling and gay.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
