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与 多产 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With me the county is exemple, how is the sea large county of production of mulberry of Jiangsu province silkworm, area of existing mulberry field is close 120 thousand mus, sericiculture farmer many 90 thousand, extend every year in recent years silkworm plants 340 thousand pieces or so, produce chrysalis to amount to 130 thousand t .


Small family of spiny shrubs or trees of southwestern United States.


Tin-bearing minerals in the Dajing tin-polymetallic deposit are cassiterite and stannite.


Research Progress of FSHβ Gene in Swine;2. The polymorphism of two loci FSHβ-1 and FSHβ-2 was detected by electrophoretic method and PCR-RFLP with re striction endonuclease HaeⅢ.

本研究以北京黑猪为研究对象,以 FSHβ亚基基因为产仔性状的候选基因,分别采用PCR产物直接电泳和PCR-RFLP方法来检测 FSHβ亚基基因2个位点的多态性。

Objective To investigate clinical significance of color Doppler echocardiographic diagnosis in prenatal diagnosis of fetal congenital heart disease.Methods 520fetuses in24~40weeks were examined by color Doppler echocardiography on four-chamber views and subcostal views to determine CHD.

目的 探讨彩色普勒超声心动图对胎儿先天性心脏病产诊断的临床意义方法使用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪随机对520例胎龄24~40周的胎儿,在心脏超声四腔观基础上结合多切面观察胎儿心内结构,以确定胎儿有无先心病。

It is also trying to become the biggest syndicator and multi- channel distributor for domestic and overseas programs on all kinds of media rights. To construct a international comprehensive content exchange platform is our final target.


Show according to believing statistic yield a ministry, up to in January 2008, number of Chinese telephone subscriber has been achieved of 920 million, move among themMove telephone subscriber to exceed 500 million.


Moreover, copper and silver in silver sulphosalts of the tetrahedrite group show negative correlation, and their high or low silver content bears no relation to at atomic proportion and Sb/ ratio.


In theory, this may be in part because Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is generally a much greater component of total energy expenditure than exercise, or because any type of brief, yet frequent muscular contraction throughout the day may be necessary to short-circuit unhealthy molecular signals causing metabolic diseases.


The thermolysis electrocyclic reaction was affected significantly by the structuresof substrates, reaction temperature and time as well as Lewis acids and organic acids.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
