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与 多 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This invention relates to MIMO test method in a multi-user MIMO radio communication system including: estimating the channel matrixes of all users at the base station, computing an orthogonal projecting matrix M of the interference matrix of each user and transmitting M to each user periodically, receiving data sent by the base station at the user end and getting the orthogonal projecting matrix M from the received data, transforming the MIMO test of a desired user to the minimum value of a K-element secondary convex function, in which, K expresses the number of sending antennas and getting estimation of the test data by a ball test method.


The results showed that: The number of loci detected in the German mirror Carp, Japanese crucian carp and F1 were 200、207、218, and the number of polymorphic loci were 63、66、72,and the percentage of polymorphic loci were 31.5%、31.9%、33% respectively. The percentage of polymorphic loci of F1 was considerately higher than that of the parents indicating the rather great genetic variations within the 3 populations.


Owing to the complexity of CIMS' missions,the reliability modeling should adapt the production processes accurately.Conventional reliability model method can not reflect the time dynamic behavior of CIMS,so the multitask reliability model based on generalized stochastic Petri nets is established for a CIMS manufacturing shop with multiple missions and the process times of the machines with exponential distributions.Furthermore,analysis of GSPN model based on behavior expression and moment generating function is presented,then can compute the transfer functions.Finally,the multitask reliability can be easily obtained without the reachability graph of Petri nets,which measure can reflect the operating performance of the whole multitask CIMS more intuitively.


It showed that 14 microsatellites among all these microsatellites DNA loci, which could be amplified stably, displayed monomorphism among the different individuals of the same stain, but displayed polymorphism among the different stains. Each microsatellite DNA loci had 2-5 alleles. 129/Sv was more polymorphous than other stains at 14 microsatellite DNA loci, but TA1 and TA2 were polymorphous at only D9Mit23 loci.


We have more than 20 engineers and 300 workers with monthly production of 50,000 sets.

我们拥有 20 名工程技术人员和300名工人,月生产能力为50000台/套。

The I/D polymorphism of ACE was detected by polymerase chain reaction, and the CMA/B poly- morphism of Chymase gene was detected using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism.

运用聚合酶链反应检测 ACE基因的I/D态性,运用限制性片段长度态性技术检测Chymase基因的CMA/B态性。

Wavelet Analysis Theory has superiority of multi-scale, multirang, flixility and movably,it is valid and important to look on WAT as a mathematic tool to analyze the data of GPS deformation observation.


This business takes a lot of moxy, guts, a healthy appetite for risk, and an entrepreneurial spirit.


Pattern thinking sufficiently to many application system characteristics, designing that the same stuff can hold out applying systematic attestation muchly out.


It was later confirmed to be banded in Taiwan Changhwa County in 2005 or earlier. This sighting shows the importance of general survey on mudflat in addition to the bird banding work. One can always see more than he / she can catch.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
