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College of Guandong Business, Guanzhou 510320, China)Abstract: Since large-scale vertical quench furnace is voluminous, whose working condition is a typically complex process with distributed parameter, nonlinear, multi-inputs/multi-outputs, close coupled variables, etc, dynamically decoupling control algorithm of temperature distributed parameter system in the furnace was presented, by which the whole system was decoupled to several subsystems and the implementation of controller was simplified. With finite difference approximation, the space and time step size was solved to ensure the convergency of finite difference approximation. After decoupling, the subsystems were controlled with self-learning PID control algorithm. The results show that the temperature control precision and homogeneity are improved; the overshoot and process in temperature rising period are reduced simultaneity.

摘 要:针对大型立式淬火炉体积庞大,工况复杂,炉内温度分布呈本征非均匀性,具有输入/输出、非线性、强耦合等特性,难以实现炉内温度高精度高均匀性控制目标等问题,提出一种温度分布参数系统动态解耦控制算法,其原理是:采用有限维逼近方法将对象解耦为个独立的子系统,简化控制器的实现过程;通过分析有限维逼近方法的收敛性,获得保证收敛性的空间和时间步长应满足的条件;解耦后的子系统采用自学习PID控制算法,实现炉内温度高精度和高均匀性控制以及升温过程的快速性和小超调。

One is commit crime the corpus widespread existence"two many":namely student many, first offender many.


In the aspect of shrimp migration test, the finding reports that shrimp would use the porosity filtering to crawl towards upstream when the flow rate is at 0.001cms, and do so on the bottom of the fishway when the flow is even less.


Company fixed asset more than 100 ten thousand US dollars, existing staff more than 200 people, area more than 10,000 square meters.


I am the total assets of the company over 400 million, more than 200 million yuan in fixed assets, working capital over 200 million.

我公司资产总值 400 万元,固定资产 200 万元,流动资金 200 万元。

As stated, the magnetic medium of a fixed disk is not removable. Your computer probably contains a fixed disk for two reasons:it is much faster at reading and writing information than a floppy drive and it can hold far more information.


With over 30 mu of land, 8,000 m2 floorage, and over 100 sets of machines, this company manufactures over 30 kinds of products that sells well all over China.


The structural design of Beijing Grand Moma faced many difficulties such as flotage of underground water, differential settlement of tower and annex, large cantilever, setback of the structure, linked structure, and vibration of large span bridges.

linked structure ; isolation ;当代MOMA工程结构存在处设计难点,重点解决了纯地下室抗浮设计、地下结构超长不设缝及不均匀沉降协调设计、主体结构悬挑和收进超限、高位塔楼连体和大跨度连廊的舒适度等个问题。

The multi-drug resistant model of minimal residual leukemia was established by using P388/VCR-G cell line expressing enhanced green flourescent protein and DBA mice.


Decrease of put content i~ the beneficial condition of Chinese cabbage flower bud initiation, and OL 7ie other hand, increasing of put content is the beneficial condition of flower stalk initiation.

高水平 的胺对大白菜、小白菜和芜菁的花芽和花茎分化有促进作用,而且spd对成花的影响比其它胺类物质更具有直接性,它的变化与胺总量的变化规律相似。put含量的降低有利于大白菜花芽分化的起始,含量的增加有利于大白菜的花茎发育。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
