英语人>网络例句>外国地 相关的搜索结果


与 外国地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The time mommy ( and , as she would become , grammy ) was stung by a bee , and funny foreign - born grampa resourcefully saved her


Foreign ingredients, from sea weed and bean curd to tortillas and salsa, are now readily available in large supermarkets.


However, if a grave turn of events occurs leading to the separation of Taiwan from China in any name, or if Taiwan is invaded and occupied by foreign countries, or if the Taiwan authorities refuse, sine die, the peaceful settlement of cross-Straits reunification through negotiations, then the Chinese government will only be forced to adopt all drastic measures possible, including the use of force, to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and fulfill the great cause of reunification.


"Well, sir," answered Job, stolidly,"I don't hold much with foreign parts."


Because this serves as the teacher of tuitional foreign language, want tuitional language knowledge not just on classroom, still answer to introduce foreign culture to the student, timely, moderate land guides into travel culture.


An alien convicted of ,or who admits having commited ,a crime involving moral turpitude or violation of any law relating to a controlled substance or who is the spouse ,son or daughter of such a trafficker who knowingly has benefited from the trafficking activities inthe past five years ;who has been convicted of 2 or more offenses for which the aggregate sentences were 5years or more;who is vowing to the United States to engage in prostiution or commercialized vice or who has engaged in prostitution or procuring within the past 10 years ;who is or has been an illicit trafficker in any controlled substance;who has committed a serious criminal offense in the United States and who has asserted immunity from prosecution;who ,while serving as a foreign govement official and within the previous 24-month perios ,was respinsible for or directly carried out particularly severe violations of religious freedom ;or whom the president has identified as a person who plays a significant role in a severe form of trafficking in persons ,who otherwise has or daughter of such a trafficker who knowingly has benefited from thetrafficking activities within the past five years.

外籍人承认被犯,a 罪介入道德的被判罪,or 卑鄙或侵害任何法律与一种受控物质相关或谁是配偶,熟悉受益于交易这样交易者的儿子或女儿活动inthe 通过五年;who 的被判了罪2 次或更多进攻聚集句子是5.years 或more;who 发誓到美国参与prostiution 或商业化的恶习或谁参与了卖淫或获得在过去10 年之内;who 是或是一名违法交易者在任何受控substance;who 做了一个严肃的刑事罪在美国并且谁断言了免疫从prosecution;who,当担当外国 govement 官员和在早先24 个月的perios 之内,是respinsible 为或直接地被执行的特殊严厉侵害宗教自由;or 总统辨认了作为充当一个重大角色以严厉形式的人交易在人,否则有或这样交易者女儿熟悉受益于thetrafficking 的活动在过去五年之内。

Firms are now complaining more vociferously that the euro's strength is hurting demand.


All this has raised fears that, under foreign influences, a radical Wahhabism may take root in Bosnia and in the Sandzak region that straddles the border of Serbia and Montenegro.


This paper, through the retrieving and analysis of a wealth of English and Chinese literature, makes an all-round analysis of the research results and basic viewpoints on China's tourism made by Chinese scholars, foreign scholars and Chinese scholars residing abroad, and holds discussions on the basic wend in the course of tourism research .


The ruined Abbey of Whitby stood up in the mountain off the Whitby Harber...The rows of houses in the small fishing town of Whitby....Bridge and the houses at Whitby....

跟 Erik 一家人在一家约克城郊的一家新开的东方餐馆,有日式,广东式,韩式的餐点,但一点都不道地,我想这就是外国餐馆的妥协方式!

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
